"I thought if I talk to you and show you our side of the story, you will eventually understand. But alas, I underestimated how Abel Grimsbanne brainwashed you. Do not worry. When this is all over, you will understand my heart."
A layer of frost coated Miguel's eyes, far different from the warmth he had shown Aries since the beginning. He asked the council for a chance to change her mind. For him, having Aries on their side of her own volition was better than forcing her. But alas, the Grimsbanne's influence on her was deeper and stronger than he expected.
"You might say we are not siblings. However, a part of Davien lives in me and a part of me died when he perished," came out a cold voice. "I understand your reluctance. We have time to put the broken pieces of this family together. I will put good faith in the trust and love we built through the years."
"You!" Aries was overwhelmed with anger at his sickening remarks.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: