Was it called shame? The emotion that swelled in Miguel's chest upon realizing the chore boy he helped was actually the king of the land of Rikhill. Or was it his ego, proving he wasn't always right?
Miguel had a vague image of what the king of Rikhill was like from the rumors he garnered. There were many rumors circulated around the said king, but one thing that those rumors had in common was that the king's ambition was way beyond one's imagination. Considering this land was the center of trade because of its location, rumor has it the king took advantage of it not just to grow the kingdom's economy but his wealth.
This king… silence the rumors Miguel took with him with his clothes.
The king simply offered Miguel a smile before following his advisor to the commotion in the fort. Miguel, being left alone in the tent, followed them from behind.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: