
If this was a dream, don't wake her up.

"A perfect hors d'oeuvre for the perfect lady." 

Aries glanced up and smiled at Fabian while the latter served her appetizers for tonight's early dinner. 

"Fabian," she called softly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Fabian kept his smile with his eyes squinting. "I was… busy, Your Majesty."

"Busy preparing this feast?" her eyes glossed over the table and the feast Fabian made himself. "One thing was for sure. There were no other people in this mansion other than the four of us."

"Let the butler do his job, darling. It was already nice of him to be this prepared," Abel chimed in humorously. 

"Too prepared, I must add. Even Gustav would need at least a week." Dexter slightly scrunched his face. There was no way this was done in a hurry; everything was prepared and perfect as if it took Fabian a month's preparation for this day. 


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