
What else could she do?

"I learned a very important lesson in my life and that was, dying in the hands of the enemy isn't as painful as dying in the hands of a friend. Therefore, you do not have to hide from me, Veronika. I know everything."

Aries's voice caressed Veronika's ears before the wind drifted them away. The latter's eyes slightly shook, holding her breath, unable to look away from Aries… out of shame. Aries investigated her and now she knew everything. Veronika didn't know whether to feel shame or anger, as she felt like Aries invaded her private matters. 

"Do you still think you can be my friend, Veronika?" Aries inquired, tilting her head to the side. "Despite that, I can respect boundaries or may not at all."

"Why… would you do that?" came out Veronika's shaking voice after recollecting her thoughts and was able to control her emotions. 


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