
Already a monster clad in human skin

"I would be very happy to start anew with you."

Aries and Joaquin stared at each other with nothing but affection meant for another. When she blinked, she had already calmed down and shifted her eyes to the cage in the other part of the room. 

"So…" Her eyes once again showed clarity as she studied the emperor's disheveled and bloody figure. "What is he?"

"A monster?" he shrugged and cast her a knowing look, only to see her indifferent side-eye.

"What sort of monster is he?" she asked with a firmer voice, eyes at the growling emperor. She quirked a brow when he answered;

"A failed morphing."


Joaquin smacked his lips, reclining with his hands on the mattress. "Have you heard of vampires, Circe?"

"Creatures who cannot walk under the sun but prowl in the night? Creatures, who survive by drinking human blood?"

"That's right." He rocked his head, smirking in satisfaction. "That's the blood running through him." 


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