Forbidden things were satisfying. It was also the same for those who hated being restricted. The more you warned them, the more they wanted to cross that line.
One of those people was Cherry, Aries's lady-in-waiting.
'I had known her shenanigans that she will not like or maybe she will like this attention for a bit,' Aries thought, ignoring all the unwanted attention from the crowd as her eyes searched for Cherry.
Although Aries's main agenda for giving her that dress was to establish her position, there was another reason Aries had in mind. The dress was extravagant, and anyone who was wearing it would stand out. Well, it was a design from the best seamstress in Haimirich who pour all their heart and soul and even their tears in fear of getting their hands severed if it didn't please Abel.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: