
I hate His Majesty

"Now's the time. Good luck!" 

With that being said, Conan hurriedly sprinted past him and in the fastest he could. Isaiah tilted his head, only to raise his eyes at the corridor where Conan came from. As soon as his eyes caught Aries, who was grinding her teeth, he finally understood why Conan was in a hurry.

"Your Grace!" Aries called and grinned, but frowned when Isaiah looked away. 

'I didn't hear her,' he told himself, turning his back against her and walking away. However, despite that he obviously ignored her, her quick steps resonated in his ears until she caught up to him. His expression was dead, hastening his speed, but she also did. 

It was not that Isaiah was afraid of Aries. The reason he was trying to ignore her was that he knew the reason she was here and the questions she had in store were something he didn't want to answer. Didn't Conan run away for the same reason?


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