
The Devil's word

While planning for the important things she must change in her appearance, Aries eventually fell deep into her sleep. It took her a long time to fall asleep on this enormous and soft bed, as it felt a little empty. Or rather, a bit too huge for her. 

But when she did, as the night fell deeper, Aries found herself in memory of the painful past. 

Blinking until her vision grew clearer, her hand that was barely skin and bones wrapped around the metals caging her. Inside a square cage that was big enough for her to fit with her body curled up, she shivered when the inbound breeze of the room caressed her thin ankle. 

How long had it been since she entered this small cage that forced her to stay hunched in? Her eyes lowered, seeing the crumbs of food left on the concrete surface. 

She was being treated like a dog, but she couldn't feel anything anymore. She picked up a grain of rice to her mangled lips, hoping that would make her survive longer.


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