
Incubus Demonio – Sinful Story – Chapter 14.5: A New Player

Fame and fortune aren't all it's cracked up to be.

Django was right about women's sports.

Or maybe the perv was fucking with her. Or perhaps life was getting was not done fuckin' her over like some five-dollar hooker her old man used to bring over.

Cheating bastard…

Annalynne Myer. At eighteen, the brunette had learned that lesson the hard way. Growing up, she wanted nothing more from life than to be a famous athlete. She wanted to win games, make money, and be the talk of every sports show. Wanted endorsement deals, photoshoots, guest spots on late-night talk shows. She wanted her face on boxes of cereal and stores packed with her merchandise. She wanted to be loved and celebrated like Bugs Bunny, LeBron James, and Tori Wilson.

Damn that boy and his stupid wrestling obsession that he'd shared with his father.

Her high school basketball coach, Coach Dot, once told her that she shouldn't play the game to make money but that she should play it because she loved it.

Django said it was bullshit. And Annalynne agreed she loved the game as much as anyone, but she also wanted to make a career out of it, and she wanted her career to be epic. No one ever imagines their career being mediocre... Right? Neither did she.

Only... that's exactly what her career had become.

Look, it's no secret that women's sports aren't given the same cultural appreciation as men's sports. Think of Monday Night Football, the NBA playoffs, pro golf - they're all full of men.

A decent male amateur player could outplay most of the top female players in soccer, basketball, ice hockey, etc. Unfortunately, sponsors are unwilling to finance individuals and teams that don't get good exposure—and few female athletes do.

That is why the women's game is not watched as much as the male game. When you watch the male pro players, you are watching the Best in the world.

It was kind of a vicious cycle: people don't know women's sports very well. Women athletes, therefore, didn't get the same spotlight as men and women's sports are relegated to the back-burner, and because of that, people don't know women's sports very well.

Even with Core and all that magic stuff, sexism is still a thing. It was the one thing that Annalynne over Django before that bastard went away and 'tired to say clean' and all that Shiz.

"BREAKFAST IS READY!" Ava shouted from the kitchen.

"Alright, coming!" Annalynne called out. She pulled herself out of bed, stretched, and walked into the living room. "You guys ready for breakfast?"

She was greeted by the sight of Ava sitting at the table wearing her purple track pants and a white tank top.

The Myer sisters still live together even after moving out of West Philadelphia. Moving to New York City for a new life. Away from their scum of father and his troubles... But most people still call it New Republic City.

New Republic City is the capital city of the United Nations, Umbra, Lumen, and the many tribes of Demi-Humans, as well as one of the largest and most modernized cities in the world, with a population of tens of millions. On the shores of Rift Bay, United Nations found it for humans and the new races to live together in peace…

Maybe they shouldn't have built it America.

What do you think happened to the 'Old' Republic City or Old New York?

New Republic City faces high levels of crime and civil unrest. Like racism and police corruption. Being the mixed bag of all cultures around the world. People get testy and with Core users seeming to be drawn to this city. Let's just say this city is never dull.

Annalynn was relaxing in her room when she heard her older sister call for breakfast. About to head downstairs when her phone rang. Going for the UFC, she had spent most of the last night at the gym preparing. Her muscles were sore, her back hurt, and her feet and hands throbbed in unison. She was considering a nap when the call came.

It was her agent.

"Annalynn, my darling baby tomboy, how are you? Did get the gloves I sent you? They match your eyes. And you should go back to being a blonde honey!" he asked in his usual flamboyant, gregarious voice.

There are perks to having a gay agent who is also your friend.

"I'm good, Uldula, what's up? I already told I won't go back to being a blonde-"

"Because that boy you keep having those hardcore dreams about?" Uldula said in a playful tone.

A red tint on her, Annalynn tells the Orc to hurry the fuck up!

"My dear sweet girl, I am an agent. It's my job to know these things. You know, you have a lot of potentials. Plus, you talk in your sleep honey..."

"No, I don't!" Annalynn lied.

"Yes, you do. It's so cute. You have a crush on that bad boy. He is the one that broke your heart, right?"

"What da fuck do you want!?"

"I got the deal of a lifetime for you, honey. I've been talking with your cute team rep and they're totally cool with it. It'll be exposure for you and them. Plus...money Talk about a win-win-win. Like my dating life! It's all wins, honey!"

"Wait, a minute. What did you say?" Annalynn demanded.

"I said money. Money talks. And you know how much money it is. We can make a lot of money."

Money and exposure, huh? Annalynn could sure use some of that.

But what's the catch? If hanging out with Django has taught her anything is that she needs all the details of the deal.


"It's no deal or anything," he said quickly

He sounded like he was trying to convince her of something.


Whatever it was, she probably wasn't going to like it. "What is it, dude?" she asked again, more vigorously.

She was still mad about the Playboy pictures.

"It's Dating," he said, and before she could protest, he rushed to add, "All you have to do 'date' -"


"-perfect. You'd be perfect. The Whitmore group will fund your team and make sure they play on their networks. I know -"

"I'm not doing it, Uldula!," She snapped.

"-You're not into it, okay? I get that. I totally understand it. That boy ruined you. Some people are okay dating men while draining their wallets, some aren't. I respect that, but I'm your agent and I need to get you out there in front of people. Your good Myer. Freddy Mercery good! This is the Whitmore Entertainment! The ones that own half the sporting arenas in this city! You need this. This is a shot for you for us, and I just want you to consider it. The group will pay you fifteen thousand an hour and will get a contract for five years with them."

Annalynn started to argue, but stopped. She also forgot how to breathe for a sec. "WHAT? They'll pay me fifteen thousand? An HOUR!" she said, stunned.

"Yeah, that's what I said. Fifteen thousand an hour. Plus, they'll get you a contract for five years. Five million dollars if you stay with them for ten years. And you're feeling honey. This basic bitch did the exact something when they paid me 100 grand to listen to them. I never thought I say this but I love short white blad men now! I love you, Ben!"

Pretty sure he is kissing his fat stacks of cash right now.

Wow, that was a lot of money. Money that Annalynn could really use. Like her family could use right now. And the Myer family was not rich by any stretch of the imagination. "What do I have to do?" Annalynn asked. "Like…"

"Nothing crazy," the ostentatious Orc said. "Just show your chest and toned butt off. I know your small doesn't mean you can't be slutty!"


"I'm just saying, girlfriend! Per hour... Per hour! You have sexy abs. Use them! I mean, those pictures of you are really good! That angry glare of yours makes the boys crazy. That bad boy of those knows how to make you really mad." The agent giggled.

Damn that Django! She still didn't like the thought of random dudes/girl/both/ or whatever jacking off to her when sold those pictures of hers.

Thank god her face was never shown.

Calming down "Alright I go with him or her." She said hesitantly

Sensing her hesitation, Uldula added, "Make sure you wear something that screams toned, Tomboy! You know? I want that cutie or girl to see you and be like, Damn, I really want to see her naked."

"Alright," Annalynn laughed.

"Ciao. Honey!" He hanged up with a snap.

"Gay friends are the best. Also, I'm going to kill Django when I find that bastard."

Meanwhile, with Uldula…

"Oh shit, I forget to tell the name of that boy. Want was it again? Django?"

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