
Easter egg hunt & First chat

After the match, I saw Harry head in the opposite direction he should be going.

He was probably tailing Snape and Quirrell as they had their little moment in the woods after the match. I didn't interfere since I cared little for the squabbles between a stuttering fool and an edge lord. We headed back to the common room where all the students from Gryffindor cheered for Harry. I never understood it, was it a cheat he had? I mean he never flew a broom before in his life and suddenly he's a prodigy? It's just not logical, but I can understand it in some way, after all, he has to be good at something. He's never been great at magic, maybe slightly above average when he bothers to learn a spell, and he's not particularly smart. He's incredibly reckless which is further accentuated when Ron is around. It's like Quidditch is the only thing that he excels at.

The second half of the year is when things start to heat up and I was kind of looking forward to it. I would take Hermione's place when Harry and Ron are caught out of bed which will allow me to have detention with Hagrid who will subsequently take us to the forbidden forest. The sole reason to do so is to meet Voldemort for the first time and set my plan in action. It would be hard to set up since I wasn't friends with the duo. But following them to Hagrid's hut when they see the dragon hatch should be around the time Draco follows after them, eventually catching is the trio, now duo, out of bed.

This would all happen later in May so for now there wasn't much to do except go to class, train and read books. Soon February flew by and so did march. Ron's birthday was in March which was the only event out of the ordinary for the Gryffindor house. Not that it was celebrated by many, but it was still something. Mine was also on the same day and I only receive a letter from the knights wishing me a happy birthday. Hermione was mad that I didn't tell her about my birthday since she didn't get me anything due to it.

"When's your birthday Hermione, this way we can both get something for each other next time," I said in an attempt to remedy the situation.

"September 19th," she said. I nodded, naturally I already knew her birthday, but it would come off as weird if I gave her a present since I shouldn't supposedly know it.

Hermione began to study harder recently for God knows what reason. I don't really get why she tries so hard constantly, even I'm not that extreme. She's pretty much a human calculator with infinite memory storage, so she doesn't need to study so hard, but seeing her do so gave me the motivation to study too.

So, April soon rolled around. It was finally getting interesting. If my memory serves me correctly, Norbert would be born at the end of the Easter holidays. By now it was made apparent that Hagrid had a dragon egg since he was caught snooping around in the library by Harry, Ron and coincidentally me and Hermione. Harry and Ron got the clue and rushed after him and meddled like they usually did. It was interesting to see how they reacted, behaved and how they figured it all out without the help of Hermione.

It almost felt like a social experiment, very entertaining to watch. Hermione caught on to the clues and the odd behaviour which didn't come as a surprise to me. She did seem interested in dragons but didn't want to meddle in what didn't concern her. It was surprising to witness since she would have originally been very interested in sticking her nose into it. It seemed that my presence and interactions with her had some effect.

Easter holidays come quickly and with it tons of chocolates. There was even an Easter egg hunt which was childish but surprisingly very fun to do. Hermione and I competed to see which would get more eggs. They were scattered all over the school grounds and inside the castle itself. I smiled in amusement before making my way to the astronomy tower after making sure that Hermione wasn't following.

I sat down cross-legged in the middle of the floor and started to perform a spell. It was a large-scale spell that Drak was guiding me through currently. I was able to do it quickly because he was able to transmit all the info to me via memory link. It was also a simple spell that attributed to me being able to pull it off so quickly.

The spell involved visualising the specific item you wanted and then casting the spell. It acted like a wave that spread throughout the entirety of the school. Probably only the teachers and Dumbledore would feel the wave pass through.

As I did so, I thought about the image of the eggs. Soon the eggs that were hidden all around the school came flying to me one by one. The only sad part was that it did take time to set up the spell which means that some people would have already found some eggs, but I still got a giant pile of them in the corner.

I smiled happily and got up before turning around only to see an old man standing at the doorway with a calm smile. I sighed, must have attracted the attention of Dumbledore. Not that I care, Dumbledore is not an enemy and having his attention will facilitate transactions between the two of us later.

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