
A monster needs no help

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The link is also in the synopsis


Inside a special underground laboratory, Ryushi was currently talking to the woman that was put to supervise him… Aguri Yukimura.

He learned almost everything about her during his time being held prisoner here since she was quite an honest person… Originally, she was a teacher of the worst class in her high school. However, she took pity on those kids so she tried her best to help them.

'Did I not try hard enough when I taught him? no, my teaching method was perfect…' Thought Ryushi as he was reminded of his own student that betrayed him.

And as he conversed with Aguri while putting on his warm smile, his true thoughts were focusing on something else completely 'I didn't expect such a project is being undergone in the heart of a city. If anything goes wrong, Japan would disappear from the face of the world, along with everyone in it'

Ryushi's gaze couldn't help but stay fixed on the innocent woman in front of him, and the image of a creepy guy also appeared on the back of his head bringing a weird smile to his face which Aguri noticed and kept pestering him about with a happy smile on her face

"What were you thinking about just now?" She asked, and Ryushi quickly went back to normal and truthfully said "Believe me, you wouldn't want to know…"

'Hopefully, the results of the experiment on the moon will arrive soon' he thought… of course, this experiment was something he manipulated the chief scientist of this lab into doing as a precaution…

The chief scientist of this lab was a man called Kotaro Yanagisawa, he was the heir of a wealthy family as well as Aguri's fiancée. Unfortunately, he didn't care for her at all, and would always go out with other women and completely disregard her…

In fact, he thought of her as a disposable tool to the point that he agreed to put her in the position to supervise such a dangerous man, or 'experiment' as he would call him, just so he doesn't risk the life of any of his scientists… This was the true reason for inviting her to this job in the first place!

The purpose of this research was to find a way to minimize the energy required to generate anti-matter, and the solution that this twisted scientist that lacked both ethics and morals has come up with was to create it into a living body… and what better than a renowned assassin like the Reaper… But his arrogance blinded him from seeing how Ryushi was simply using the fruits of his research to transform his body…

As this was going on, a man eerily entered this tightly protected laboratory by directly phasing through its walls, this man was none other than Yuki…

'Who would have thought, such a dangerous laboratory would be hidden right in the heart of Tokyo… These people are crazy' Thought Yuki with a frown on his face before it turned into a weird smile

'I wonder how much anti-matter did they already generate… I can't wait to take all of it later, but first, I need to talk to Ryushi' After reaffirming his plan. Yuki calmly used his master of self ability and greed to control every single person in the building and he directly ordered the people responsible for the security cameras to remove any traces of him appearing…

Then, he simply strolled with a wide smile on his face as if he owned the place while the guards and all the workers kept doing their normal work and completely ignored him.

In a special capture room, Ryushi noticed Aguri's weird behavior of going absent-minded before she started 'acting' normal again. Although, it was apparent to him that something wasn't right and he tried to inquire from her if everything was okay but she kept saying over and over again that she was fine…

'What's going on? Something isn't right here… Is this place under attack? But I didn't sense anything…' Ryushi's eyes narrowed slightly, but he decided to trust his instincts that were screaming at him that this situation was far from normal!

And true to his thought, the door to his 'room' or as better called, prison, that never opens only for Aguri to enter or leave suddenly opened, and the moment he laid eyes on the person that entered, his eyes couldn't help but widen in surprise and he directly asked "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, it seems like you recognize me right away… long time no see buddy, I missed you" Spoke Yuki with a genuine smile which made Ryushi's lips twitch slightly as he replied "Are you sure you didn't miss ripping me off?"

"Hehehe, I don't know what you are talking about" Replied Yuki with a teehee while Aguri suddenly asked Ryushi "Who are you talking to?"

The moment Ryushi heard this, he felt as if something exploded in his head 'How can she not hear or realize that he is here? Is everyone else experiencing the same thing? If so, then how? Did he hypnotize the whole lab? But I didn't see or sense him do anything…'

Confusion clouded Ryushi's mind as he couldn't find where to begin analyzing this creepy situation… But as his mind went into overdrive, a weird scene finally emerged in his head… The scene of his fight with Yuki 'At that time, a weird force held me in place and allowed his punch to connect… Does he really have some form of psychic power or… magic?'

Not even a second passed after Aguri asked that innocent question, yet Ryushi's mind went through a lifetime's worth of memories showing just the kind of terrifying monster he was… Meanwhile, Yuki calmly ordered Aguri to step aside and she did so obediently to the shock of Ryushi.

"I'm sure you have many questions, but now is not the time..." Spoke Yuki and Ryushi regained his calm and asked "What brought you here?"

"Eh? What kind of question is this? I heard there was a damsel in distress so I came running to save you" spoke Yuki with a sarcastic smile which Ryushi didn't appreciate at all as he replied with a glare

"I'm in no distress, and I don't want to be saved…"

Hearing this, Yuki smiled weirdly and asked "I see… your body has already started adapting huh?"

Ryushi's eyes narrowed slightly at this and there were even a few traces of killing intent in them so Yuki hurriedly said "don't look at me like that, I'm not trying to stop you… I genuinely came to save you, Tch idiot"

Ryushi retrieved his killing intent after seeing the genuine look on Yuki's face, but he still stared at him warily which made Yuki slightly disappointed and ended up changing the subject "Anyways, I came to tell you to not try to advise them to do this experiment on the moon, the results might be disastrous"

Ryushi of course realized what Yuki was talking about… One of the concerns that Ryushi had was about what would happen to the anti-matter cells if their host was to age and die...

"Sorry, I already did… I think they sent a mouse injected with my cells…" Replied Ryushi with an apologetic look on his face making Yuki freeze slightly…

"Are you serious?" Asked Yuki again to which, Ryushi nodded seriously before he asked "What are you worried about?"

"I'm worried about the moon blowing up you idiot" Said Yuki before he punched Ryushi in the head through the hard glass surprising the latter

"How did you do that?" Asked Ryushi curiously while staring at Yuki's hand that phased through the glass like a ghost, yet it still connected with his head…

"I will teach you when you come out of this lab… I need to go now" Replied Yuki hurriedly since he now needed to find a way to go to the moon… But just as he turned around to leave, he suddenly paused and pointed at Aguri before he said "You are a special human… But that woman is special as well… I'm sure you already realized it right?"

Then he simply disappeared leaving behind a bewildered Ryushi 'Just who is this guy? And why did he pay too much attention to Aguri? Her dedication to her job as a teacher is indeed special, but does it really matter that much?'

Ryushi had a troubled look on his face which was something that rarely appeared, but he soon noticed that Aguri was turning back to normal so he immediately recovered his calm as he thought 'I have all the time to contemplate this, plus I already got the results of what will be the outcome of the experiment on the moon, it seems like I will need to hasten my plans…'

This great assassin started to pragmatically make plans for the future while talking to the now normal Aguri with a warm smile on his face, but what he didn't realize is how easily he trusted Yuki's words despite his wary nature…


Meanwhile, as Yuki left Ryushi's room, his next destination was to locate the anti-matter storage room, but he soon came to find that it was stored in very large devices despite its small quantity so he reluctantly gave up on his idea of stealing it and decided to turn his sight on another problem

"How am I supposed to go to the moon?" He knew that this was a problem, especially since the moon was 384000 km away from the earth, so flying with his psychic powers was a no no since it would take him a long time to get there.

"I guess I'm left with no choice but to hijack a space shuttle or something…" With this thought in mind, Yuki texted silent a simple message… 'Find me the closest thing to the moon that would be launched soon…"

A few seconds later, he received a direct reply "Space Q is launching a new satellite. Time 2 days from now. Price for information – 50000 Yen – Sender, Silent"

"That's quite sooner than I expected… but I like it" Muttered Yuki as he quickly sent silent his money and made his way back home… Soon, he will go to space, and he needed to prepare a few things first, especially to solve the problem of breathing…

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