
He Was Jealous Of Her Happiness

The family looked pretty normal at face value, Natalie peered at the drama going on in Victor's room. She simply shook her head and moved on, intending to check on her other patients. But then, the instant she took a step, there was Daniel standing in front of her. 

Stepping back from him in fear was a reflex gained over the years, but Natalie caught herself at the last minute. Why should she fear Daniel? Gone are the days when he could kidnap her and assault her. It is impossible now. Why? Because she had power. The strongest ruled the world and right now, Natalie proudly says she was at the pinnacle. 

Natalie didn't want to conclude that he was here to see her, after all, Victor was still his family member and he must be here for him. So she changed her trajectory and continued with her journey. However, the instant she was about to walk past him without a word, Daniel called her name. 


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