
Kiss of Death: Part One

Nyx returned to the palace, her face slightly flushed, but she calmed herself down in her old quarters, only returning when her swollen lips, blushing cheeks and too alert eyes simmered. The goddess had rearranged her hair and brushed down her dark navy dress from any wrinkles. She was never questioned about her disappearance, nor had her appearance caused any stir to the gods and to Erebus. 

Nyx and Erebus soon returned to the place she still didn't call home and shared her bed with her husband. But sleep never came; her mind was filled with thoughts of Gabriel and the stolen kisses under the night sky on that hill. They didn't return for some time, and shockingly Nyx found herself turning Erebus down more and more. It was becoming more known his patience was thinning. There were only so many more times she could decline anything more than a peck on the cheek. 

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