
The Birth of the Third Herrscher


The huge Honkai Beast that attacked aggressively was stopped by a figure that was very small compared to it.

No, not only was it blocked, the small figure swung the Nitro Crystal Greatsword quickly.

That small figure was Kouro, he split the Honkai Beast's head in half at high speed.

Because the slashing speed was so high the Honkai Beast still maintained its forward-moving posture before all its movements stopped as if it had pressed the pause button.

In the next moment, the Honkai Beast shattered into a bubble-like white powder and the powder itself continuously broke apart until it finally turned into something invisible to the naked eye and then disappeared completely into the air.

"I was worried that it would be too bloody a scene, the Honkai Beast's blood would be splattered everywhere, but did it turn out like this? Pretty good, a little family-friendly. "

Kouro rested the Nitro crystal sword on his shoulder and focused his eyes vigilantly.

He then glanced at Mei who had been standing still with her head half lowered since he injected Honkai energy into her.

Kouro looked back at the forest not far from where he was, he saw a Honkai Beast that was bigger than the one he had just fought.

However, it shouldn't be too tiring to face it alone.

Although this large Honkai Beast looked incredible.

From what Kouro knows, these creatures in the game have the codename 'Chariot' and often appear as minions at the start of the game.

On the outskirts of Nagazora City, a place that can be said to be shaded by various plants and has a soothing view.

Now it was completely unrecognizable as several large cracks appeared on the ground ravaging the environment. Beautiful flowers and grasses were buried along with the sinking ground as Honkai Energy Concentration increased.

Every attack made by Kouro using the Nitro Crystal greatsword was full of Power and the Chariot had a power that matched its body.

The confrontation between the two could make the air tremble violently at any moment.

However, according to Kouro, this was not a real battle, in his eyes the movements of the huge Chariot were very awkward.

Perhaps it was because of its size or the 'Chariot's' characteristic of moving slowly like in the game.

Although the Chariot's attacks and speed probably reached a level that ordinary eyes could not avoid.

But in Kouro's eyes, their movements were neither too fast nor even very slow, so he could easily avoid them with just a little attention.

He had already strengthened his strength many times using the system.

Even so Kouro didn't try to block Chariot's attacks using his body, he instead used the Nitro Crystal Greatsword to deflect the attacks.

He didn't think he would die if hit by Chariot's attack or even be seriously injured.

Even so, Kouro wouldn't do that he just wanted to conserve his stamina as much as possible.

After all if Chariot was eliminated there was still another enemy he had to face, an enemy stronger than the Chariot-type Honkai Beast.


Several dozen Chariots appeared once again, Kouro could easily defeat them.

He stared at the white powder that spread through the air into tiny particles before disappearing.

Kouro frowned at the sight.

[You've leveled up]


Seeing that he had leveled up, Kouro was surprised did that mean he needed to kill the Honkai Beast as a condition to level up?

He opened his status interface.



Hanagami Kouro Name

Level: 2

Job: None

Title: None

HP: 6.800/7.200

SP: 576/576

Fatigue: 12

Strength: 59  60

Agility: 35  36

Vitality: 35 --> 36

Senses: 35 --> 36

Intelligence : 35 --> 36

Honkai: : 35 --> 36

Points : 6  11


It looks like leveling up will increase 1 point for all stats plus 5 free points, just like in video games, leveling up is the fastest way to become powerful.

However, what are the requirements for leveling up? Killing Honkai or absorbing Honkai Energy?

To Kouro's knowledge, Honkai is an unpredictable manifestation, it can be a natural disaster, disease outbreak, digital virus and so on.

Meanwhile, Honkai Beasts are creatures created by being infected by Honkai energy.

According to the law of conservation of energy in physics, the Honkai Beast, which was originally an ordinary beast, jumped to a size of more than ten meters because it absorbed a large amount of Honkai's energy.

When he defeated the Honkai Beast, in theory the Honkai energy in their bodies should have been absorbed into his body.

But he did not feel his Honkai energy change which meant that the Honkai energy that formed the Honkai Beast returned to its original state and filled the air.

That meant it was not Honkai energy but something else, but what?

Kouro stopped thinking about the essence of 'EXP' for leveling up.

Since he didn't have a clue, having a 'Cheat' in the first place was absurd anyway.

Compared to that, he was more curious about other things, since this world had survived until now.

It seemed like Schicksal, Anti-Entropy and World Serpent had their own methods to eliminate Honkai's energy.

He was indeed a little curious about it, after all Honkai had many manifestations.

But instead of thinking about methods to eliminate Honkai that made people like Otto Apocalypse dizzy, Kouro had other more important things to do.

He had already made sure for the time being that no Honkai Beasts were approaching them. Kouro then turned around and began to approach Mei who had been silent since the beginning and did not even have any physical movements.

He was seen gripping the Nitro Crystal Greatsword in his hand so hard that his fingers turned white.

Compared to approaching a friend, Kouro's current vigilant actions were more like he was ready to approach a very dangerous enemy.

He then stopped when he was five meters away from Mei.

"You... " When Kouro said his first words.

Mei who had lowered her head for a while, suddenly raised her head.

There is a saying that the eyes are the windows to the heart.

Previously the real Mei had a pair of black eyes with tenderness and understanding, looking at these eyes no matter how serious people were they would feel relaxed.

But now Kouro saw a pair of violet eyes that looked cruel and cold, filled with a terrifying aura that could make people feel cold.

The True Herrscher was the apostle of the 'Will of Honkai' that wreaked havoc on the world.

They can control Honkai and they have only one goal which is to annihilate humanity.

But Mei was different, because of Kouro's intervention, the negative emotions that were the reason why Herrscher's personality hated humans were less formed.

For information, when a Herrscher candidate turns into a Herrscher they will form a new consciousness that removes their humanity.

Perhaps another factor is because Mei is an artificial Herrscher who is weaker than the original Herrscher.

She cannot control the Honkai Beast and more importantly she cannot contact the 'Will of Honkai'.

Currently the newborn Herrscher Mei has no intention of destroying the world and instead follows Mei's deepest desires.

Perhaps as Mei's Herrscher personality matures, she will be recognized by the 'Will of Honkai' and become a True Herrscher.

The 'Mei' that Kouro is currently facing is no longer the gentle girl she was before.

Kouro calmed his breath that was ragged from the previous battle and reorganized his body to the best condition.

He still had [Status Recovery] as his trump card.

He was already prepared for the worst case scenario of defeating Mei who was now controlled by her Herrscher personality and letting her return to her normal state.

Although in his heart Kouro knew that the percentage of victory was very small.

He suddenly realized that 'Mei' was just staring at him and did not take any action, even he did not sense any killing intent from her.

Right after that, 'Mei' who was just staring at him silently suddenly spoke in a cold tone.

"Do you want to destroy this world with me, Human?"

This unexpected invitation left Kouro dumbfounded. But then he smiled and extended his hand towards 'Mei'.

"No, you have to come save this world with me, Mei."

~~Fun fact

Kouro was born in spring.

Kouro's birthday, is 12-May-1998.

The_Hanged_Man1creators' thoughts
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