

Whereas Cracatto who is on the campaign of  reaching the center of the universe and taking over it after which he will become the supreme of the whole universe has started the battle with the species of the 4th planet as per his plan and he also emerges successful in defeating those species after which they plan to move on the 5th and the next planet in the queue

  On the other hand, the members of the chosen one who have been thrown on different planets by far by his Army are trying to get out of it in process of which they stumble upon the species of each planet where they are thrown by the army of the Cracatto

  First of all, Gilbert comes across the species which contains only women's but not even a single man because of which the species also get shocked as well as surprised to see a male for the first time in their planet in last 1billion years because of which they end up catching him and presenting him before their queen

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