
Following the dark path

Alex couldn't believe his eyes. It's been a long time since he last saw her. But something about her changed. Of course. He can't deny how gorgeous she was in that slim fit Off shoulder mini dress black and white contrast she was wearing.

Winter felt a little disappointed seeing that this handsome Alex wasn't attempting to touch her. Maybe she wasn't that attractive after all. Maybe he lost interest in her.

Winter was about to take a step back and leave when she felt his hands on hers. Guiding her closer to him. 

"You have a beautiful name." Alex said. Placing his hands on her small waist. 

Winter only smiled at his words. She just wanted to pass the time. She didn't want to be attached. She just wanted to feel wanted and desirable for one night. Without conditions. 

"Less talking and more dancing." Winter said as she turned around in his arms. She didn't want to look. She just wanted to feel the warmth of someone and the loud beat of the music drifting her thoughts away.  

They spend the night drinking and talking about random stuff. Nothing personal. Just a normal talk here and there. When it was four in the morning. They finally decided to leave.

"I can give you a ride if you want." Alex offered.

Winter looked at him thinking about his offer. "Why don't you take me to your place?" She suggested. Already walking towards his car.

Alex chuckled at how bold she is. She wasn't afraid that he might be some pervert that might take advantage of her. He was glad that he was here tonight."Alright. But first. You have to put your coat on. I can't handle looking at this dress hugging your body like it's a second skin." He replied as he helped her to wear her coat. 

"Thank you." Winter said before she got inside the car.

Alex got inside the driver's seat and turned the engine on. Driving towards his penthouse.

Winter closed her eyes to get some rest. But before she knew. She dozed off to sleep. She hadn't slept for six days in a row and it started to take its effect on her. Her body was exhausted from staying awake for a long period.  

Alex turned to look at her and smiled but his smile turned. He frowned when he saw something inside her purse. He didn't intend to look into her stuff but he saw that it caught his attention. 

"What have you done to yourself? Winter?" Alex whispered. Putting the purse back on her lap. He wasn't wrong when he said that something changed about her. He only hoped that it wasn't too late for her.

After arriving at his house. Alex put Winter inside the guest room. He was carefully placed on the bed. Properly covered her and left the room. 

Sitting in his living room. Alex thought about what he saw. He felt sorry for her. She ends up following the dark path that her mother followed. 

To clarify. Alex is not the male lead. Soon you will meat him :)

I placed Winter dress in the comments

Cornflowercreators' thoughts
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