
As much as she could

Unlocking the door. She ran towards the bathroom to take a quick shower. After taking a shower. She got dressed quickly and left the apartment. 

"Winter. Why are you running?" She heard Edith's voice.  

"I'm late to work. See you later. Edith." Winter said waving goodbye to her as she ran downstairs. 

"She will catch a cold." Edith murmured, noticing how Winter's hair was wet. 

Reaching the to the mall. Winter sighed in relief. She was only two minutes late. Reaching towards the changing room. She changed her clothes into work clothes.

Sitting on the chair. She started her work for the day as a cashier. Touching the ends of her hair. Winter realized that she hadn't dried her hair. She's going to get sick. 

"Stupid." She scolded herself. 

"Winter. Where is Fifi? Is she late again?" The department manager asked. 

Looking around her. Winter wondered where Fifi was? They left the club together.

"No. Sir. Fifi is sick. She caught a cold. She sent me to take the day off for her." Winter replied hoping that her friend won't be fired today.

"Hmm. Inform her that this day will be deducted from her salary." The Manager said before he left. 

"Better than being fired." Winter mumbled to herself as she reached the first customer for today. 

"Thank you for visiting us." Winter offered the old lady a smile.

And the day went by just like. Just like every day. Six in the evening. Winter finished her work shift. Hailing a taxi. She went back to her apartment. Tried and cold. She needed her next fix soon. Touching her forehead. She signed. Her temperature was starting to get high. 

"It's going to be a long night." She mumbled to herself as she stepped inside her apartment.

Winter made sure to not make any noise so Edith wouldn't notice that she went back. Keeping the lights off. Winter laid down on the bed after she took her fix. With this amount of cocaine in her system. The cold symptoms won't be as bad as without. She was aware it was dangerous to take while she's sick. But it's better than paying money for medicine.

Holding a picture frame in her hands. Winter stared at two people in the picture. They seemed happy. In love. Like nothing could separate them. But in reality. This was a fake illusion. A fake reality that her father created to run from the truth that his wife is cocaine-addicted. 

Winter always watched how her father took care of her mother. Loved her despite the bad habits she had. When she was young. Her father used to tell her that her mother is sick. He didn't want her to find out the truth. But when she grew up and by the time she became a teenager. Winter started to put the pieces together and eventually, she found out the truth about her mother. 

Despite the fact, her mother was addicted. She was a kind mother. She tried to take care of her and love her as much as she could. She wasn't perfect. But she tried. Winter never hated her mother. She accepted her as she is. They were a happy and sad family. Just like every other family. But one day. Everything fell apart and before she knew it. She was all alone. 

The loss was too much for her to handle alone. Sadness and loneliness are very dangerous combinations. In the Winter case. This combination led her to the wrong turn and once she had a taste of the forbidden temptation she became addicted to it. It was wrong. But it was the only way to numb the pain.

"Dad. I'm sorry. I failed you." Winter whispered, hugging the picture frame. 

In the middle of the night. Winter was finally to close her eyes and sleep but her phone didn't stop vibrating. Picking up the phone. She picked up the call. 

"Why are you fucking calling at this time. Fifi?" Winter said as she sat up.

"Well. You do have bad manners. Winter." Fifi said, making her even angrier.

"Did you call me in the middle of the night to fucking lecture me about my manner? As if yours is better. Now. What do you want?" Winter asked, turning the light on. 

"Are you sick? Your voice sounds weird" Fifi asked her.

"Yes. I don't think I can come to work tomorrow. Can you take the day off for me?" Winter asked. She touched her forehead while she was still on the phone and noticed that her fever was high. 

"Yeah. I can. Don't worry. I'll take care of it." Fifi replied."Take care of yourself." She added before she ended the call.

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