

Melanie opened the door with a tired smile. Luther was in front of it, slightly perfumed - just the right amount, this time - and shining. Behind him, a delivery boy was carrying a thin, large package.

«I have a gift for you!» he exclaimed when their eyes met.

Melanie let him in, her deep sigh audible even to human ears. He was so stubborn, sometimes. She had noticed his attempts at courting her, but her heart was taken and long lost. She couldn't love again, not after losing her mate.

They had grandchildren in common, though. That must have been enough for Luther, since she wasn't ready to give him any more proximity.

«I'm too old for presents, Luther,» she pointed out, actually reminding him their ages. Both of their ages.

They were too old for romance. Luther would have better spent the rest of his days courting a woman he had some chance to conquer.

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