

Abby Brown observed her manicured nails and blew over them while waiting for the paint to dry.

«That thing stinks. Get it over with already!» Luciano Polenta complained.

«You've been repeating it for half an hour now,» she murmured, checking that the nails on her leg were still perfect. «Oh, good...»

She combed her hair and threw another glance at the dark CEO complaining on her sofa.

«What are you doing here?» she asked. «I haven't understood it yet.»

«I wanted to come here.»

«I see... Why me? You surely have enough women who would be happy to let them into their houses. Why me?»

«Just because.»

«Hmm... If I have to guess, you're here because you can't trust anyone else. But it's so weird. I thought you were just a CEO, but it's obvious there's more to the story.»

«You don't have to guess.»

«You're hiding here,» she said, crossing her arms.

«Shut up, woman.»

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