
A problem with her

While talking about various things, Lara realised that there was a problem with her. Nate was right when he puffed because she knew it wasn't normal to fear relationships so much.

It was not even the relationship that was the problem. It was a part of her that couldn't trust him no matter what. In such a situation, it wasn't fair to proceed any further.

How could she pretend to be accepting him if she couldn't believe his words? She was just playing out of cowardice.

She liked being with him, but she didn't feel good enough to let go of her worries. She was in the middle area, a grey zone where she risked staying forever if she didn't do anything in time.

She sipped her juice, peeking at Nate while he was switching the TV back to the original channel.

He deserved an honest woman. She couldn't listen to her body's requests without paying enough attention to the signals she was sending. More than everything, Nate wanted her trust.

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