
Xin's Transformation

Sparks from Xin’s Altered form couldn't stop flying off from her body. The strange hardened feathers constantly were shooting off small bolts of energy from one to the other. Even just standing still, her elemental power was activating.

“You think things are going to change just because your appearance is now a little different!” Gil shouted as he lifted both of his hands up, locking them together. He was in his large form, having shifted from the smaller one.

Doing so allowed him to pick up more strength than he usually would. The attack was going to be a big one. Gil’s hands smashed against the ground, and the whole building started to shake again.

The people from above fell from their seats. Shelves tumbled down from the vibration, and it looked like the building was warping from within itself. However, the shaking had eventually stopped.

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