
The final mark

With everything going on, and since there was nothing they could do to help out, Suzan decided to take Kevin back to the car that was parked at the end of the high street. The group had split up between cars, one with Marie's mother driving, and the other with the gang’s newest employee, Tyler.

He couldn’t believe what was going on, everything that was happening, and was starting to wonder what type of group he and Gary were involved in. However, while in the car, since he was told to be on standby, he had decided to tune into the news channel on his phone, and he was able to hear what was being said.

Gary had his voice altered, and the teenager was trying to make it a habit whenever he donned that mask. Given his hair colour, it was the least he could do to make people doubt him being the same guy who was the leader of the Howlers. Similarly, Kai, had also decided to wear his fox mask to cover his face, while the others were clear with their faces showing.

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