
30. Titan of Steel Stands

In the narrow streets, moments before the quakes steel met steel. The ends of a bow clashed with the teeth of a sword bigger than the owner's body. Lena was on the last leg, right against the wall using it to keep her weapon propped between her and the titan. Zaltras' held the blade inverted, thrusting the tip while the teeth worked on her protection. It kept going over her head, though not for long. "You're adamant on living but refuse to tell me what I want? Quite foolish, but that is the nature of your-"

Zaltras knew the string was still secured. Lena pulled against it firing arrows each time aimed at the attacker's non-existent mouth. She heard the sigh of defeat. Zaltras rose his blade for another killer. The edge flipped to meet her with a thrust. She lunged back. He predicted as much and kicked with the force to shatter bones. It connected. Lena's arm snapped under the force with her body hurdling closer to her destination. A delayed sensation but the most blood-curdling of screams. Many surrounded her but the moment any heard that cry, they turned tail. "Open your eyes and see how outclassed you are."

Zaltras inched closer, his guard up. Grunts and angered cries as more bolts broke against his hull to no fruition, "A bone to you takes weeks to repair even with machines in your blood. A 'bone' of mine takes minutes," the edge of his blade aimed at the oriental tower, "My muscles are enough to support that mass along my shoulders, you would perish at the request- even though my muscles were grown by a man," a creak from the current surging through the battery pack and into the claymore.

"I am a war machine. I slaughter hundreds before you awake in the morning, I wash my hands to repeat when you sleep," he loomed over. She coughed.

"Well you aren't a good one if that rogue unit from a millennia ago got the one-up on you," she hacked out her lungs, "How about you take all that energy and put it to something useful, piece of shit droid!" before the guillotine dropped. Mors called her name with bony fingers plucking her breath away. The fog of death strangled her. Mors released his grip with his eyes as the last arrow was fired. Pinpoint accuracy saved Lena from his hands. The arrow flew through the teeth on Zaltras' sword, over his nostril to their optical unit. A glow died and short-circuited. The titan was now a one-eyed threat. Calibrations disturbed caused the blade to fall right of Lena; she swerved left. Her right arm ached with bone sediments funneling blood out of her body.

Time ran thin before the baron of the end whispered again. An icy breath escaped her lips. The lock on her heart rattled every time she tried to overcome the impossible. Zaltras lunged again. His second eye was shot. A bolt freed itself from the constraints of metal, jolting from its tip to her. Death laughed with the scourge of lightning. Another shriek overshadowed by the thunders. Lightning danced with that blade risen to the sky. "I've had enough of this game."

Zaltras's heat detectors revealed all positions, "Goodbye," thunder roared and lightning cried, Lena's final hour was at nigh. One last gash. Zaltras had won.

He walked to the body from afar, still shaking from the voltage burning her from the inside out. She lost control of all muscles, twitching with teeth clattering. Hair stood on end and her heart almost exploded. Warnings blared in her ears and across her eyes; she wouldn't have gotten any if it crossed her heart. How she begged for her body to move. Everything shut down. Every step had a flash. Minutes were hours. Was her tremble the flow or fear? She couldn't tell which was worse. Both hands held the weapon without a word leaving her lips.

"Well hello there," a hushed tone stole Zaltras by surprise, "I was just in the area, seeing it's my home and all. Decided what a lovely storm to fish under," Directly behind him stood the Dyson. Lucki wore a smile the entire time with a fishing line drawn; an irradiated blue hook swung releasing fog at every tilt. Zaltras reversed to slash her. Something pierced his arm.

A polearm, "Carnel is still defending the hospital you have eyes on, so don't worry about seeing her," what surrounded Lucki were worse than the real thing. Carnel's swarm knights, the size of the skywings with rigid frames that ached for the sense of battle; those legs reminded him of his most hated rogue unit. Plastered to their backplate was a myriad of tools. Javelins, knives, swords that were short with curves like a flamberge. Eight hounded the iron titan "Funny, isn't it? They all have just as much explosive power as the base model,"

"Well played Dyson, but you won't save her now," another spear pierced through Zaltras' stomach; near his core.

"Save her? Oh no," Lucki shook her head, "Though I am here to help and your actions fill me with only anger, I'm not here for her," her snap signaled the troops to strike. Open mouths bit down and tore the cosmik off his frame. Knives slashed off bits, so fast that Zaltras couldn't retaliate. Before his gun was ready to spark it too fell off. "I'm here for your head, terrorist."

"You come to my city and attack my people and think you can then strike my friend? All the while I don't look into it?" the thought made her laugh. Her fishhook struck the walls leaving them white. "That's adorable, did you forget who my parents are?" the iron-hearted son of the Dysons and the iron-skinned soldier of Doubhain. Their wills formed some of the most fearsome bodies humans could dream of. Lucki's had the eyes of fish. "Zenith, you should have stayed in the past."

"Oh, is that so, you forget I have my fail safe, queen," Zaltras was forced to one knee after his other was taken out. When Lucki rose her hand Carnel's swarm stopped. Pounds were stolen off the terrorist already, arm gone with his other thinned. His torso ripped open exposing the molten glow in their stomach among the pumps and steams of his internal. A net of fine bars supported the glow, "The death of Dynamo will be my accomplishment. His demise brings my master peace,"

"I will write my victory in the stars-"

"Just shut up and blow up already Sokrates," Lucki waved. The eight knights lunged. His head came straight off, same with the rest of his body. As expected, his core flashed red, "Get him into the skies, now," she demanded of her servants. Seconds of sand remained and the body was flung into the heavens and ignited. "You two, get her to the Elias foundation and the rest of you continue your prowl.

"Deliver his head to Carnel, she knows what to do with it."

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