
Meeting the Personal Attendant

"You may just call me Sylvia. I was hired by President Mireille to be your personal attendant from now on. It's a pleasure to meet you, Young Miss."

That can either be good news or bad news for Lady.

Having an extra pair of eyes that looks out for potential danger is good, but having an extra pair of ears around during her private discussions with Fallon is bad. She is not sure what makes a personal attendant different from a caretaker which she already has, yet knowing Maximilian, she is getting the feeling that this is done to have her watched over more closely than before.

And that can also mean that her father has already figured out that she has been breaking his rules even though she is still supposed to be grounded.

"W-W-What do I-I need a p-personal attendant f-for?" Lady tried to ask intrepidly but only to flop miserably.

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