

A moment later, Greta returned with two mugs of what appeared to be mulled wine. 'If comfort were an alcoholic beverage, this might be it,' August thought as she felt the warmth of it against her hands while the spiced aroma encircled her.

Greta led them toward where Sam was huddled speaking with someone. When Sam and his friend turned to see who was approaching, August immediately knew the two men were related. Aside from hair color, they almost looked like they could be twins.

Sam's face lit-up. "Hey brother," his warm, deep voice called, and he embraced Graeme in a one-armed hug. "Welcome August," his smile moved to cast her within its light as he nodded toward her. "Thank you for coming."

There was a moment's pause before Graeme extended a hand to the man beside Sam, "Jack, how are you?" The two shook hands before Graeme turned to introduce August.

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