
Chapter 40: The maze

It was quite fascinating to watch the Nifflers Hagrid brought for the class digging through the soil. Even if these Nifflers were nearly the same size as a mouse they were certainly far more powerful thanks to their innate magic. They dug through the ground within seconds even though they have paws the size of a twig.


"Fascinating creatures, aren't they?" said Hagrid, eyes alight with joy seeing the class was suitably enthralled by the latest creature after the Unicorns.


Harry could hear some girls complaining in the background about not having Unicorns for this class.


'Girls!' Harry thought, rolling his eyes.


"Cute 'lil creatures, Nifflers. If 'dey like yeh they'll follow 'yeh around like good pets. But, they are natural hunters for anything shiny." said Hagrid jovially.


Hagrid pointed at the Nifflers jumping from one student after the other nicking watches, hairpins, pouches of galleons and anything shiny that caught their fancy. Harry found a few were ready to jump onto the side where Gryffindor students were hanging around.


While it'd be fun to watch the Nifflers work their magic on all of them Harry was not willing to part with his stuff. So, he took out his wand and acted.




The bunch of Nifflers going to jump to their new victims found themselves floating in the air as Harry's spell took effect. They were essentially bound by his spell to not make a move and his intent conveyed to act only against the Nifflers. After all, he didn't want to accidentally immobilize the whole class.


"I should 'ave warned 'yeh. They're dab hands in finding treasures. Obsessed with 'em, I'd say." said Hagrid, as he collected the small beady-eyed creatures who were looking at Harry with watery eyes.


It looked as though they were tearing up for being denied the chance to rob everyone of their possessions. Hagrid was suddenly there plucking the Nifflers out of the animated suspension and began shaking them down out of the things the Nifflers took from everyone. Some of them tried to leap out of Hagrid's hand to retrieve their loot but to no avail.


"Well, they might be expert thieves but they are cute as a button." said Seamus, a sentiment shared by Harry and many others.


"They're a bit excited that's all." said Hagrid, collecting the wayward Nifflers.


Hagrid began listing off the pros and cons of having Nifflers around. Apparently, the cute little buggers have no sense of when to stop their thieving ways. Even if they are domesticated in a wizard's house they end up ransacking the house for anything valuable. This made them undesirable as a pet like an owl or a cat even though they are cuddly and cute.


"A dozen of these guys can have the Goblins run out of their business." said Dean, laughing amusedly as the Nifflers looked forlornly at the treasure they stole being returned to their owners.


"Alright, everyone. Drop 'yer Nifflers into the cage." said Hagrid, going around each student and securing the Nifflers.


Most of them were reluctant to hand over the little creature even though they were expert thieves. Hagrid had to promise everyone that he'd keep the Nifflers in the next lesson as well.


"It seems Hagrid is doing quite alright. You did well in lesson planning. Maybe you can one day become a Professor at Hogwarts." Harry said, complimenting Hermione who blushed at the praise.


"Oh, I don't know. What about you Harry? What would you like to do after Hogwarts?" asked Hermione as they made their way towards the castle as Hagrid's class was over.


Harry eyed his friend with a knowing smile. Her attempts at shifting the focus on him did not go unnoticed.


"I suppose I'm a bit interested in starting a business of some sort." Harry said.


"Business?" Hermione sounded surprised. "What sort of business?"


"Maybe a toy store or something. I'm not exactly sure. All I know is that I don't want to work under someone. I'd rather be an entrepreneur who creates jobs." said Harry, after some amount of thought.


"Huh. That's a mature way of thinking Harry. I never realized you were interested in starting a business of your own." said Hermione.


"So, what is it that you hope to do after Hogwarts?" asked Harry, bringing the focus of the conversation back on Hermione.


"Maybe I should try my luck in politics." Hermione muttered.


"Politics? Don't tell me this is about those letters you've been receiving?" Harry asked.


"I never knew Muggleborns were facing so many problems in the wizarding world. Most of them never got any respectful jobs despite their good grades. The Muggleborns abroad have it far worse. You know Viktor says Durmstrang does not even admit any Muggleborns. I want to change all that and for that, Muggleborns need political representation." Hermione said, her brown eyes shining with the same resolve Harry saw when she launched the House Elf movement.


Harry thought Hermione was being a bit naive and was viewing the world only from the angle of a victim forgetting one crucial point. Wizards and witches have always been the victim of muggle oppression. The Statute of Secrecy enforced by the Ministry may have its flaws and this may have given rise to the conservative political tilt in the wizarding world. However, there were legitimate concerns in play to be cautious of Muggleborns. The simple fact is that Muggleborns are just too great a security threat to be given a free pass into the higher echelons of wizarding society. Harry'd go a bit further and say Slytherin's 'alleged' concerns regarding Muggleborn students in Hogwarts were not exactly unwarranted.


As someone intimately familiar with the muggles, Harry was more than aware of the immense danger muggles posed to the wizarding world. That was probably why the political structure of the Ministry of Magic is designed to keep the Muggleborns out. For the sake of practical reasons, having a voice of Muggleborns in the Ministry would have been sensible but there was a danger if a war was to break out between muggles and wizards.


All Muggleborns may not necessarily hold attachment to their muggle roots but the possibility of such a scenario exists. The distrust wizards hold against muggles was validated by all the witch burnings and persecution that has been heaped on the wizarding population. That stigma can't be eradicated so easily.


Hermione, as usual, did not see the other side of the coin. She only saw the perceived injustice against the muggleborns. That was why Harry resolved to keep a close eye on Hermione and her correspondence with the muggleborn diaspora. If she could create SPEW then she could end up creating a Muggleborn Liberation Front in the near future.


"At least, you can stop pursuing Rita Skeeter." said Harry.


"Why?" Hermione asked, curiously.


"It's thanks to Skeeter you got the letters. So, in some way, Skeeter became an instrument in directing you to a different path." Harry pointed out.


"Huh!" Hermione looked shocked for a moment before shaking her head. "I don't think I'll be leaving that woman alone. I'll get her back for all the trouble she caused me."




It was a fine evening with comfortable warmth hanging loosely in the air. The last class of the day was unfortunately History of Magic by Professor Binns. For that reason alone, Harry was resting his head on his arm struggling to not nod off. It was an uphill battle to stay awake when Professor Binns was droning on about Goblin and Dwarven wars.


The only piece of interesting knowledge he garnered from Binns' lecture was that Dwarves were the archenemies of Goblins and they were concentrated along the Alps. In the old days, Goblins and Dwarves were in an epic battle spanning continents for supremacy. Both races had fought for supremacy with a long bloody history dating all the way back to the era of the Founders. Perhaps, the Goblin-Dwarven wars were even older than the Founders according to Professor Binns. Any historical data beyond the era of the Founders was rather lacking in detail and proof.


So, most of the wizarding historical content before the tenth century was rather composed from the perspective of other magical races like Goblins, Dwarves, Veela etc. It was quite strange for wizards not to have any historical references beyond the tenth century, especially considering muggle history is still preserved.


It could be possible some of that history was covered up due to political reasons. Muggle political entities during the Pagan era most likely had the open participation of wizards and witches. Almost all great civilizations of the world worshipped wizards and other magical creatures as gods and demons. The Ministry would have preferred to keep those details under wraps to not give wizards any ideas about world domination and godhood.


Harry snapped out of his musings when Professor Binns announced the class was over. He looked at his notepad to see only a rough sketch of a Niffler instead of any notes. It was a good thing Hermione regularly took notes and her notes were accessible to him. While he wouldn't have to worry about the end-of-the-year exams, the current syllabus covered some portions of the OWL exam.


Packing his backpack speedily, Harry was out of the class hoping to get a change of clothes before joining a football game. After that, he needed to pay a visit to the Chamber. However, those plans were put on hold by Professor McGonagall who intercepted him on his way.


"You are being asked by Mr Bagman. He expects you to present yourself at the Quidditch pitch at six. He'll be explaining the Third Task to all the Champions." McGonagall told him.


Forced to change his plans, Harry decided to forego the game and go straight for the Chamber. Inside Slytherin's lair, Harry's secret weapon was being prepared for the inevitable confrontation with Voldemort. He was still in the dark on how to allow Voldemort's resurrection to go through without using his blood or his active involvement. But, other parts of his plans were coming along smooth in parts thanks to his slight modification of the basic rune cluster suggested by Professor Babbling.


"Master Harry." Dobby announced his arrival with the signature pop accompanying the teleportation.


"Dobby. Did you look for what I asked?"


"Dobby did sir. The locket is in the house sir under nasty Kreacher's watch." said Dobby.


Harry was relieved to hear that. It was good to get confirmation of the Horcrux's location. Now, he just needed to convince Kreacher to hand over the locket. He had an idea or two to make that happen. But, that could wait.


"Good. What about the other thing I asked of you?"


"Dobby did it, sir. Harry Potter has nothing to worry about." Dobby said, confidently.


"If everything is in order then you and Winky can start practising." said Harry.


"Dobby does not understand sir."


Harry patted the elf's head with a smile.


"Come, I'll explain. Let's call Winky as well. She also has a part in this game." said Harry, before calling out to the female elf in his employ. "Winky!"


Harry left a suitably disturbed Dobby in the Chamber struggling to come to terms with what he was required to do. Dobby was a bit queasy about playing his part in the plan but Winky was wholeheartedly on board when he explained his plan, especially the part where she has a chance to deal some damages to the Death Eaters. Harry had properly managed to guide Winky's negative emotions towards the Death Eaters and Voldemort for corrupting the House of Crouch. This conveniently absolved Winky's conscience and allowed her to forgive herself for any perceived failure she sees on her part.


"'Arry!" Fleur called him once he exited the Entrance Hall.


"Hey." Harry waved in greeting and moved closer to her.


However, he was mindful not to show any overt affection as they were out in the open.


"You promised me a date 'arry. Did you forget?" Fleur asked, a playful smile on her lips.


"You have been busy."


"Not anymore." said Fleur, looking expectantly at him.


"Will you be free this Sunday?" Harry asked.


Fleur nodded making Harry's heart leap.


"I'll owl you the time and place." Harry said, happy to see Fleur agreeing.


"Harry! Fleur!"


Both of them turned around to see Cedric approaching them from behind.


"Thought I was late for whatever it is Mr Bagman is cooking up. What do you reckon the Third Task is going to be?"


Harry shrugged preferring not to speculate especially when they were minutes away from finding out.


"A Treasure hunt!" Fleur suggested.


"I certainly hope the Task is something like that. I definitely don't want to face a dragon again." Cedric said while laughing.


When they finally reached the Quidditch pitch Cedric was left gaping like a fish.


"What've they done to the pitch?" Cedric cried indignantly, his eyes wide as saucers taking in the tall hedges that were grown high into the sky.


"That's some ten feet high hedges by the looks of it." Harry commented, observing the hedges sprawled out across the entirety of the Quidditch pitch twisting and crisscrossing in every direction.


"Right you are Harry." Bagman said, approaching them with Krum who looked like he swallowed a lemon. "Took us some trouble but Professor Sprout is no novice when it comes to her craft. So, what'd you think?"


Seeing the look of indignation on Cedric's face Bagman laughed and patted Cedric's shoulder like they were old buddies.


"Don't you worry about your Quidditch pitch Mr Diggory. You'll have it back in pristine condition after the Task is complete." Bagman promised. "Now, can any of you guess what this is?"


"A maze." Fleur said.


"Excellent. You're right Miss Delecour." Bagman crowed jovially. "The Third Task is simple gentleman and lady. The Triwizard cup will be placed at the centre of the maze. The first champion to touch the cup wins the Tournament and all that entails."


"We 'seempli 'ave to get through this maze?" asked Fleur.


"Well, there'll be obstacles." Bagman said, excitedly bouncing on the balls of his feet clapping his hands together. "We'll be growing the hedges 20 feet tall and Hagrid will be providing us with some creatures... then there'll be spells that have to be broken... and all sort of things, you know. It'll be quite exciting."


"Oh, no. Not Hagrid." Cedric whispered in horror.


Bagman didn't give that any mind or maybe he chose to ignore Cedric's reaction and instead grinned like a child getting a bunch of candies.


"Champions who are leading in the points will get a head start on the race. Mr Potter will go first followed by Mr Krum, Miss Delecour and Mr Diggory." said Bagman, looking at each of them with his eyes alight. "Don't worry. You'll all have a fair chance to take the Cup so long as you hold your wits. Should be fun, eh?"


'Yeah right.' Harry mentally scoffed.


Bagman then went ahead and gave them a cursory tour of the maze. It took them more than half an hour to traverse the maze and they didn't even cover every pathway. It was quite a labyrinth Professor Sprout and Hagrid are cooking up.


"'Arry, show me that Charms book you talked 'abouut." said Fleur, once the tour inside the maze came to an end.


"Oh, yeah. Come." Harry said, quickly catching up on Fleur's intention.


Cedric and Viktor stayed behind to observe the maze while Harry led Fleur toward the castle. They ended up in a tangle of limbs in a nearby broom closet under several protective wards.


"I'm...mmm...looking forward...to this most 'eempressive place you're taking 'mee." Fleur said in between their kissing.


"Trust me...mmm... You'll love it."




"There 'eez nothing 'ere. This 'eez just a wall." Fleur deadpanned, looking at the dark-coloured wall staring back at her.


"Oh just you wait." said Harry, who pressed a kiss on her cheek before pacing to and forth before the wall.


Fleur let out an audible gasp as an ornate doorway materialized on the wall after Harry stopped his pacing.


"What? 'ow 'eez this possible?" Fleur asked, staring at the room before her in surprise.


"Welcome to the Room of Requirement created by the world's most talented Charms Mistress Rowena Ravenclaw." Harry said with a flourish.


The suitably gobsmacked expression on Fleur's face validated his success in impressing her.


Taking her hand, Harry led Fleur inside where half the room looked like it was made of white marble with ornate furniture decorating the room. The other half was a sprawling grassland with a small pond. There was even a clear blue sky and a clean pond in sharp contrast to the room. The doorway disappeared once they were inside which also caught Fleur's interest.


"'ow 'eez this possible?" Fleur asked, looking around the room in amazement.


"The room can change into anything we want. Imagination is the limit."




Harry laughed as Fleur began throwing detection charms around the room as a true Charms enthusiast should.


"It won't work. Whatever Ravenclaw did to make this room is beyond the scope of simple detection charms." said Harry, noticing Fleur was getting frustrated with repeated failure to discern the secrets behind the RoR.


"'ow does 'eet work? I want to know everything about 'zee room." Fleur asked.


"I could be persuaded to share those secrets but first there is something you ought to do first." said Harry, pointing to the ceiling where a Mistletoe was growing right on top of their heads.


"Really 'arry?" Fleur looked at him with some amusement.


"It's part of the Celtic tradition."


Fleur shook her head before pulling Harry into a kiss that lasted for minutes. When they broke apart both of them were out of breath.


"Now tell me 'ow to use 'zee Room. Tell me everything."


"That's a secret." Harry playfully grinned.


"I can be persuasive." said Fleur, her hands suddenly wandering across his body while her allure flared up.


While Fleur was working her magic, Harry's mind went on a tangent.


'Persuade! Of course! The answer was right there all along.' Harry thought as an idea that could allow him to protect his blood from being used by Voldemort took root in his mind.


To read ahead of the update schedule; pat(r) eon. C (O) M/Dragonspectre

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