
Corrupted joblistings

Leo looked around and realised that the fate of all the people in the warehouse were already decided.

Valentina continued.

"Some of the extremely wealthy people wish to indulge in some of their darker desires, and that is when they come to me. I can get them anything for the right price. Usually once they get a taste they can't help but come back to purchase again. Hell, some people quite literally get a taste. There is a market for everything, even human flesh after all."

Leo didn't like the thought of eating another human.

"What's the worst that someone has done?"

"Well, that would be one of our regular customers, he creates some... Interesting video's for the darkweb, to say the least. He once showed me one for free as I couldn't help to be curious about what he was doing with the stock he bought since at that time he would come twice a week or so to pick up new stock. When I watched the video I wished I didn't. He first had someone violently rape the girl before putting her in a massive transparent cauldron, locking the top with a padlock. The girl was begging for her life as they slowly but surely started boiling the girl alive. Over the course of three hours, that was. The video was named The witches' soup, I still think about it every now and then..."

At this point Leo couldn't help to be horrified, and Valetina noticed.

"But that is the worst-case of course, usually the girls just get forced into prostitution and such, although that is not much better. But that brings us to our next topic, I want you to help me in my business."

"Hell no, I am not gonna be helping you with this. I may have done some terrible shit but this is a step above that."

Leo flat out denied Valentina's offer, he didn't have to think about it for a second.

"I won't have you deal in human trafficking and all of that, I mostly want you to conduct some assassinations, warnings and kidnapping sometimes."

Leo sighed.

"Still quite a list, Valentina. Look, in no way I am a righteous person looking to correct the injustice of others, but this is all going me a bit too far, what will even happen to the people I kidnap?"

"They will be kept for randsome or tortured to send a message, you know how this industry is. Lemme put it this way Leo, for each and every assignment you complete you get to keep 20% of the earnings, and considering that these jobs can go for millions sometimes you could definitely make a good amount of cash that you could use later on."

Leo sighed.

"Honestly I just don't know, it's all a bit too much for me right now."

Valentina looked Leo in the eyes.

"Leo, I don't think that you've realized that stuff like this is arguably normal in the world that you are getting involved to, don't think that the other command members have a clean slate, lemme tell you something about Haitao, Haitao has been known for blackmailing multiple politicians and celebrities, if they refuse to pay him some other celebrities will throw smut at the person they're trying to blackmail, and trust me when I tell you that that isn't the only thing he does."

Valentina continued.

"Look, just think about it for a while, alright? I'll make sure to give you some decent missions that can net you a lot of cash, with your abilities and my connections we can become rich together, well, not like I'm not rich already but you get the point."

Leo contemplated everything for a while before sighing.

"Fine... Just don't let me do any of the messed up stuff. As I said I may not be a saint but there still is a border for me to draw. For now just get me assassinations and stuff, I won't be doing a job if I'm not being paid 1 million at least since there is a massive risk for me aswell."

Valentina smiled.

"Glad you're aboard, and luckily for you I already have a job ready that can net you five million total."

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