

"Yeah, she did. I thought I would die honestly." responded Leo casually.

"Hey! It isn't bad it smells good! Everyone says it is good."

"That's just because they are scared that you will execute them if they disagree with you, Valentina." said Haitao

"Shouldn't you be backing me up, Haitao instead of helping him!" pouted Valentina.

Haitao simply shrugged.

"So, is this your new guard?" asked Haitao.

"Yeah, he is."

Haitao looked toward Leo.

"So, what is your name?" asked Haitao

"Did Valentina never tell you? Well, my name is Leo and as you guessed, I am her guard," responded Leo.

"Right, and why did Valentina choose you?"

"Well you see, I actually am an anomaly myself." responded Leo.

Leo looked over toward Valentina for a reaction but she didn't bat a eye.

However, Haitao had the exact opposite reaction.

"Wait, you have to be shitting me, you are an anomaly?"

"Yeah, you heard that right.

"What is your anomaly then? You just look like your average joe."

"Well, allow me to show you." said Leo before standing up.

The guards in the room aimed their weapons at Leo before Valentina spoke.

"Haitao, tell your guards to stand down, having them aim their weapons at him creates a bigger threat than standing down."

Haitao obliged and the guards lowered their weapons.

Leo didn't want to ruin his clothes just yet so he chose to only shapeshift his fingers into small blades before showing it to Haitao.

"You see, I am what you would call a shapeshifter. I am not human by origin, this is simply just a form that I've taken on. I'm capable of shapeshifting in most humanoid forms, but in order to "copy" someone's appearance I would need to kill them first." said Leo.

This time Haitao shot a look towards Valentina.

"You sneaky little girl."

A smile appeared on Valentina's face.

"I guess you also figured out why I attacked site Phobos then, right?"

"Man, if I knew that you were going in order to retrieve him I would've gone myself!" said Haitao, slightly upset.

"I know, that is exactly why I didn't say anything, the men I borrowed from you fought well though."

"Man, this sucks." said Haitao while sighing.

However, his eyes quickly widened.

"Wait, the warhead detonated at site Phobos, did my men do that...?"

Valentina laughed.

"Hah, no. Take a guess who did it! I will give you a hint, he is in this room right now!" said Valentina.

Haitao's eyes moved over towards Leo face.

"You fucking shitting me?! There ain't no way that he caused all of that damage!" said Haitao in shock.

"No way? I can ensure you it was him, he is a shapeshifter after all, do you now know why I took interest in him?" said Valentina with a smug smile on her face.

Haitao was still skeptical.

"Leo, explain to me how you did it."

Leo sighed since he would have to tell the entire story again.

When Leo was done talking Haitao sighed.

"Man, now I believe it. It's just unbelievable how good it all worked out for you Valentina, because he detonated the warhead you were able to take credit for it, a good advantage in the council that is."

Leo looked over at Valentina, he didn't know that Valentina took credit for the warhead detonation but at the same time Leo didn't care.

"Yep! And that is why he is my one and only guard, he also has a decent amount of combat experience, but with him around a lot more paths open up for me and the insurgency as well."

"Valentina, if his abilities are truly as great as you proclaim, will you mind if I borrow him sometime?" asked Haitao.

However, Leo answered instead of Valentina.

"Honestly don't count on it, Valentina already said we would be busy for the upcoming time, however, if there ever is time I might consider it, but a hefty compensation would be in place." said Leo.

Haitao expected Valentina to say something about Leo's behavior for speaking without permission, but Valentina didn't say anything.

This gave Haitao sort of an idea of what was going on.

"Well then Leo, if you ever find time and Valentina allows it I will be more than happy to offer you an assignment."

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