
Punishment 37

I knew I have been missing our training for a long time. Amir will be pissed at me. I hope he won't kick me out for my absence. I wish he would let me continue or there is hardly a point in staying here. When I reached there it was early. I decided to start with my bow and arrows. It went well for a heartbroken girl I was rather brilliant.

Soon the space started filling up and I saw my fellow trainees. Few of them inquired why I was absent and they looked genuinely concerned. I made some excuses about bad health. They could tell it was a lie but they didn't press for information and I was thankful for it.

After some time Amir came to the training area and when he saw me he came to me. I braced myself for his rebuke but he looked calm but I could sense his anger. I wanted to run away because he looked disappointed more than anything.

"What are you doing here Mara? This is not a public house or brothel in which you can come and go as you please", he said. To be honest, the brothel comment hit me the most. Generally, he avoided the actual reason for my stay here and it has worked for us.

" I'm extremely sorry ", I told him.

" I don't want you sorry. It won't bring back the precious time I have spent in training. You have proved that you are nothing but a showgirl. You deserve to be treated just like that", he said.

"I promise I won't repeat this if you let me in", I told him a few tears escaping my eyes.

"I won't spend a second more on talking with you much less training you. You can talk to the king if you want but my decision is made", he said.

" Please don't do this Amir. You don't know by accepting me here you have created a whole world for the girls there. They now believe they can be like me as well. At least think about those girls who dream to be more", I said truthfully.

"I don't trust you anymore Mara. You have broken the vow of keeping your professional and personal life apart. I have warned you before but you don't listen to me. I don't train those who won't listen to me", he concluded.

I sighed dejectedly. I wish he gives me another chance so I can prove to him that I was worth the chance. I can't go back without a last try. I turned in my mid-stride to look at him. He was looking away from me but I knew his attention was on me.

"I and Lucien have broken up. That's why I didn't come to training I didn't want to see him again. But I later decided my training is more important than my feelings. So I came back not caring for anything. If you give me a single chance I will prove to you I'm worthy", I told him.

He looked at me for a second and said, "Take a hundred rounds of the ground that will clear your head", he said.

"Alright sir", I said without missing a beat.

" Start now", he said dismissively.

I turned and started running around the ground. After a few rounds, I was feeling so tired but I didn't quit. Many of the trainees gave me sympathetic glances but Amir never looked my way. I slowly started feeling hot all over and found myself drenched in sweat. I looked around for Amir but at some point, he had left the ground.

I think he forgot about the fact that I was a human not that I blame him for treating me like the rest of the Lycans. I was determined to do it no matter how hard it was. The heavy exertion didn't allow me to think about Lucien or anything for that matter. I would welcome every torture in the world if that means I don't have to think about him.

I was out of oxygen and felt myself fall into the ground but I was caught by someone or I would have hit my head on the pavement. I didn't have to look who was holding me. I could feel him before I could see him. I closed my eyes feeling tired not caring about anything. I just wanted to sleep.

When I woke up it was in my room. Lucien was nowhere in my sight. I sighed with relief. I started to move Riley came running towards me.

"Lay down will you?", she said. I rolled my eyes. I could tell that she cares for me even though she never shows it. I know the time is running I should plan something maybe break my niece out of the orphanage. It sounds like a dead plan. I have no allies except Riley but she doesn't know I'm an enemy yet. I know she is going to refuse me.

"I knew you should see the wise it will help you. She will tell you who you will marry?", she said her eyes closing briefly while daydreaming.

"I told you I want no wise. I will never marry so that information is of no use ", I told her roughly.

"I thought you wanted to marry prince Lucien ", she said accusing me. I rolled my eyes she can't be that naive.

"Tell me how many girls have you seen being married off here?", I asked trying to get her to open her eyes. Maybe then she will help me.

"Lucien is different around you. He was here looking after you all night. The doctor said you were really tired and let you sleep it off. He was worried about you", she said.

I glanced down guiltily. It is my fault. But I can't make it right. It is better this way. I guess Riley must have understood my stance. She just looked at me like a school teacher. I don't know why she has taken it upon herself to make me a better person. She has taken it upon herself to ship me and Lucien. I wish I could tell how much I would love that if the circumstances were different.

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