
Confession 31

"I won't marry him if I have Lucien. You stole him from me", she said baring her teeth. Normally I would be terrified but now with my training, I knew I could handle her.

" I haven't stolen Lucien from you. I will talk to him if you want. It is not like that between us", I told her. I didn't know why I said that. How do I give him back when he doesn't belong to me?

"I don't want your pity. I have made my choice but if you try to take Igor then I will show you what it is to cross me", she said with anger. But she didn't sound like hurt when she said the name, Igor. I knew she loved Lucien. I can understand her feelings but she was going to get heartbroken soon if she had set her heart on becoming queen. Igor doesn't have a long life at least not till I'm alive.

I walked back because I knew arguing with her is a waste of breath. She wants Lucien and Igor as only a means to that end. She will survive a loss.

When I reached the room I saw Lucien pacing up and down. I stayed and looked at him marvelling at his ability to look like a god even he was looking pissed.

" I can't believe Arya is marrying my father. They won't suit each other together they are a recipe for disaster. I thought father is not going to take a wife after Lima", he said. I stared at him blankly. He mouthed a what at me. I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't in a mood to entertain him. I stepped inside the room and took a seat.

"I have a solution for your trouble you can marry her", I told him without flinching.

" You are fucking me, right? You are saying that after all, that happened between us. You can see me with another woman", he asked.

"I will survive besides you looked worried that Igor is marrying her", I said plainly. He narrowed his eyes at me.

" I didn't mean it like that. I meant that I thought Lima and my father were more suited. Arya can marry anyone who she likes I don't care", he said.

"You know Igor is sleeping with other girls right? You can't that blind to him Lucien. You put him on a high pedestal, but I assure you he can never live up to that", I told him.

" I know my father he is not that bad. Even I have done bad things I admit. The war is long over Mara don't live it again", he said cautiously.

No, it wasn't I shouted in my mind. How could he callously talk about it? It was still yesterday I lost my mother who was brutally killed for not bowing to Igor. They have won the war last time but it is not over yet.

"You can casually, talk about it because you lost no one", I said to him.

" Do you believe that Mara? Can any war be fought without casualties? Not all advertise their losses as you do. A human killed my mom after raping her", he said in a controlled voice.

My eyes jumped to his, he has told me something important to me. He has opened up to me. I wish I could open up to him but I can't not when Igor stands between us.

"You know what I changed my mind. Maybe they will live happily forever. I'm not going to marry and have babies so it is obvious that he should marry", he said.

" Why are you so sure that you are not going to marry?", I asked him.

"Because marrying a human doesn't count as a marriage in our world", he said.

" You will marry a human?", I asked him my eyebrows, raised. He pulled me beside him surprising both of us.

"Do you want to know who is that human?", he asked me burrowing himself to me.

" No", I said my voice raspy. I didn't want to know that but I can guess who was that based on his gestures alone.

"Tell me about who you are going to marry?", he asked me raising his head from my hair.

" No one", I said my voice bitter. Marriage is the last thing on my mind right now.

"So you won't marry anyone?", he asked me.

" I'm only 17 and I don't think it is legal yet to get married, young in our world.

"You humans have so many rules regarding everything. Here we can marry anytime at any age", he said.

" Well it is because we are not animals", I countered him.

"Why are you doing this Mara?", he asked.

" What?", I asked innocently.

"Pushing me away for no reason. Do you even trust me?", he asked. Not with my heart, a day will come when you have to choose between me and your father and so far you have given me no reason that you will select me.

" I trust you more than I should", I said flippantly. He laughed out loud. I was surprised to see him so carefree.

"I thought I would hate all humans for the rest of my life but you came and changed that. Life is too short never say never", he said winking at me.

" I'm going to sleep ", I said moving away from him but he held my hands not tightly.

" Is that an invitation?", he asked.

"No ", I said my voice too loud. He laughed again.

I quickly moved away from him and half ran to the bed and laid down.

" One of these days you are going to beg me to sleep with you", he said with laughter.

"In your dreams ", I said without much strength.

" I will tear down your defences little by little and take you when you least expect me. That is how I win my wars. I'm told that I'm a good strategist and I have set my eyes on you", he said.

"I don't care about all that. You have been winning because you never met me before", I said trying and failing to sound confident.

He chuckled and said, " Goodnight my love". He took my breath away that moment.

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