
Repercussions 25

"Have a wine girlie, you truly deserve it", said Mina. I was still feeling guilty, but I accepted and gulped it down hoping it would reduce my guilt. "I feel guilty now for killing those innocent birds", I told her, my voice full of remorse. "Don't be sorry Mara, I still remember those wretched birds. They are trained to attack humans. They were used by lycans during the raids", she said, wrinkling her nose. "But they were still innocent, they were just creatures ", I told her. "That's accurately what I was saying Mara, they were just creatures. It's not like you killed someone. Assume that you killed ten chicken", she said. "Whatever", I mumbled.

"You made a mistake of choosing to stay with Lucien, bitch. I heard what you said about being called a whore. Simple of you want to avoid being called a whore stop behaving like one", said Arya, her voice full of venom. I decided to ignore her as usual,, but she wasn't about to leave me. "Listen I'm warning you to stay away from my fiancé if you don't then I know what I have to do to deal with you", she threatened me. "Listen Arya if you encounter some issue takes it up with Lucien stop bothering me", I told her, refusing to be intimidated by the girl. She was a lycan, but she was built in a small frame and I knew I could take her just like I could take a Pomeranian. I bet she looks like one when she shifts.

"I was only trying to help you. I'm sure that Lucien will deal with you once he is back. You know you killed his only pet. He once threatened to imprison somebody who forgot to feed it once. After he is done with you, I doubt anything remains ", she said with a smirk. I was getting very annoyed by her. Why is there no one to check upon her. She reminds me of a bratty child. "If that's the case, then I wonder why you are still bothering me. If Lucien is going to kill me,, then you should let it happen instead of trying to stop me. But in reality, I guess you know Lucien won't put an arm on me even if I killed his favorite pet. He just loves me no matter what. I know it really hits you,, but it's the truth, honey", I told her.

There was a loud Crack and I realized that the bitch just slapped me. The pain wasn't as bad as the humiliation I felt. No one wants to be slapped in public, but I wasn't ashamed, just annoyed that we are entertaining the crowd. The blood was collecting in my mouth, something was torn inside. I spit out the blood. I lifted my bow and said," If you touch me again, I will make sure you never raise your hands again". She was seeing red. I was too, choking down my anger. Suddenly, I was pulled back by Mina and someone with a walking stick dragged away Arya.

"the Show is over", I told the onlookers, wiping my mouth. Mina soon dragged me away to the washroom. She opened my mouth, checked inside and was relieved to know she hasn't broken any teeth. She gave me an ice pack to press to my face, which was slightly swollen by now. "The bitch sure packs some punch. Doesn't she?", I asked her jokingly. She pursed her mouth at my attitude. "Why did you threaten her in public? You should know they don't take these words, likely we are only safe because of Lucien and Igor. But once they saw some opportunity, they would use it. They will be forgiven, no matter what their mistakes are. We are the ones getting sometimes punished for their faults", Mina told sadly.

"Hey don't be sad Mina, I'm meticulous. I'm not an idiot ", I consoled her. "Just promise me you will stay away from Arya and Igor. I have a feeling about this,, and I'm mostly right", she told me. "I promise", I told her. She hugged me and I hugged her back. "You are my best friend ", said Mina. "You are my best and only friend ", I said, agreeing with her.

"I think I caught a glimpse of Ramiz. He is a looker", I teased her. "Yes, he saved you from beating up Lucien's fiancé ", she told me. "I think he was actually saving you from getting crushed between us ", I told her. She chuckled but didn't correct me. "He hates fight ", she said dreamily. "He also loves you ", I told her. Her eyes grew big. "It's not like that. We just understand each other ", she mumbled. "Understand each other in bed ", I teased her. Her face grew hot.

"Yes, just like you and Lucien ", said her. I smiled at her defensiveness. "We haven't slept with each other, Mina ", I told her. I didn't want you to hide things from her. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. "He took me to keep me from getting into trouble. His words, not mine ", I told her. "We, too, haven't yet. I'm not a virgin or anything,, but he says he wants to court me like humans", she said with a smile. I smiled back at her. She has found love in a place where it was least likely to find it. I on the other hand was here for one and only one reason, revenge.

"I'm going to my room. I had enough of my share of court drama", I told her. She looked worriedly at me. "Are you going to be OK with Lucien ", she asked me hesitantly. "I can handle him. He doesn't sleep there anyway ", I told her. "He doesn't come to his room. Then where does he sleep?", she asked. "Maybe with Arya ", I supplied. "I doubt it. Anyway let's go", she said taking my hands, and we walked outside.

"Hey, where do you think you are going? ", the guards called us. "We want to go back to our rooms, we are not feeling well", Mina answered him. "You are not a guest where you can come and go as you please", said the guard. I wanted to box his ears,, but Mina held my hands. "It's Ok, we are going inside. I'm feeling a little better ", she said. "The other girl can go if she wants ", said the guard, nodding towards me. We were surprised at hearing that. "The king's decree you can go anywhere inside the palace. The king is hoping you would go to his room ", he said, smirking at me. I shuddered in response.

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