
chapter 3 entering dwma

7 years later

(Zane) in the last 7 years me and maka and soul have gotten quite close we are best friends and soul found a scythe meister and I want to ask maka but I ask soul for advice

(soul) let maka make the decision

(Zane) your right and I got a special condition so the meister show me that they want me. yo soul you know what you are petty smart haha

(soul) no you are just a idiot haha

(Zane) that makes sense im a idiot and you are half smart and maka is the smart one as best friends. so soul what do you want to do

(soul) im going to see my meister you probably should talk to maka

(Zane) why wouldn't you tell us your meister name or is she your girlfriend

(soul) no it nothing like that i actually don't know her name either

(Zane) ok well see you soul im going to see


10 minutes later

(Zane) I tap the door bell then I hear foot steps coming closer from inside maka open the door

(maka) hi Zane where's soul

(Zane) hi maka he is with his meister training some where so what are you doing

(maka) ok, i doing about nothing other than a reading a book, oh yeah you want to come inside

(Zane) hope i didnt interrupted your book and thanks for letting me

(maka) I was done about a minute ago so you came at perfect time, Zane I want to ask you something

(Zane) yeah sure ask me anything you want

(maka) well i want to know do you think I can became your meister because im a scythe meister and soul was the only other scythe other than you I could partner with but then I realised that you are a scythe and gun and soul all ready has a partner

(Zane) yeah you sure can be my meister but there is a certain condition it is that I need your blood to drop on my chine, when I enter my scythe mode you drop you blood on me in scythe mode and then you will my meister and I will be your weapon deal?

(maka) deal but what the point of this

(Zane) well to see can we trust each other. It well than let's do this scythe mode

(maka) ok, then i got a sew needle poked my thumb and droplets of blood start falling onto the chine of Zane scythe mode then a bright dark red glow come from Zane then all I hear was a insane laugh coming from Zane then someone came running to my room it was soul and Spirit they look me and then Zane who was still laughing like insane person the scythe went straight to my hand I couldn't but sweat but then soul and spirit said something

(spirit)(soul) don't let go of Zane what ever you do

(maka) why not he can't hurt anyone with out me because no weapon can move without the meister or transform back to human mode.

(Zane) its so dark in here but this is the first time I ever went completely into scythe mode I probably ended up sleeping, then I hear a laugh that was super creepy what ever I will back into human mode since maka has done everything, i got myself a meister that I wish for still my favourite wish I used.

(????) thud thud thud

(Zane) who's there show your self now it was maka but she was completely white. maka what are you doing here

(???) im not maka im just everything but won't not is you my name is Abaddon and this will be the first and least time I visit you so have and I will give you a gift from me to you to make you stronger

(Zane) ok but what he'll just happened I so lost im going back to my human form, it worked im back i look around to see clouds and a big mirror in front of him with soul and maka and spirit and lord death they were looking at me all i could was gulp, say why is everyone look at me did do something wrong

(maka) you don't remember what happened after I drop my blood on to your chine

(Zane) no i just remember awakening inside my scythe form and heard footsteps coming to me than I saw a person name Abaddon he said he left something but I don't what it was because I didn't what was going happened after that decided to go back to my human form then next thing I knew I was here

(maka) ok for us i drop some blood onto the chine and then a bright dark red glow come from you then i hear insane laughing coming from your scythe form and then I heard footsteps running up the stairs but luckily it was only soul and Spirit then I they heard the insane laughing too but then you flew right to my hand then they say not to let go of you or else you cloud have killed everyone then lord death teleport us all to him why you were still laughing but after awhile you awoke and the laughing stop thank God you did not get hurt and no one else.

(Zane) thanks for filling me in maka im real thankful to you but now the real question do you still want to be my meister after all what just happened to me

(maka) of course I will be meister because we are best friends. hide five

(Zane) yeah. hide five

(lord death) Zane since you are 12 years old and so is maka and soul i will say this you all 3 of you be accepted at dwma

(Zane)(maka)(soul) thank you lord death

(lord death) all of you can go now and have a good night rest before school tomorrow

(Zane)(maka)(soul) yes lord death bye

2 minutes later

(spirit) what to do about that the kid death

(lord death) just leave him be

(spirit) ok remember that's your decision not my

(lord death) yes I know

(soul) while I'm going now so bye

(Zane)(maka) bye see you soul say save

(maka) hey Zane do you want to move in with me since we are partner and best friends

(Zane) yeah sure i would like that and I can protect you when do you want me to move in

(maka) thanks Zane and how about today

(Zane) sure i will be there in a few hours see you then bye and thank you maka

(maka) bye Zane see you soon after we left I went straight home to clean up a room and add something to the room

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