
Finger blow job

"Miss Rossi, what do you think you're doing?" Atlas's voice sliced through the air like a whip. It wasn't a question he knew exactly what she was doing.

Her lips were pressed tightly around his fingers as she flicked her tongue from left to right against his burned fingertip.

If he didn't know better, he would have thought she was giving him a finger blow job.

Lust burned in his brain and he couldn't think of anything else. Damn this woman! An inexplicable fury washed over him because of the effect she had on him.

He was supposed to be the one in control but one flicker of her tongue around his fingertips and he was losing control.

She was so close that he could hear her breath coming out in soft pants. He tried not to notice how her chest heaved under her blouse.

Her bow tie had loosen showing off her cleavage. His mind right now was filled with dangerous, twisted thoughts.

Atlas tore his gaze away, his jaw clenching at the thoughts crowding his brain this morning. He had a billion-dollar deal in front of him right now and he didn't need the distraction!

Meredith widened her eyes with alarm when she realized what she was doing. She quickly removed his fingers from her mouth, her eyes filled with horror.

"I…I….. I'm so sorry," She spluttered.

"I saw your burned fingers and I…" She paused as she tried to think of a justified reason for putting her boss's fingers in her mouth.

Atlas narrowed his eyes, desire and anger oozing from him as he waited for her explanation. He could see the pulse fluttering at the base of her throat as she swallowed.

"I saw your burned fingers and I wanted to smoothen the pain. It's what I do for my brother anytime he burns his fingers and…" Meredith, was talking way too fast to sound like she was telling the truth.

Atlas arched his brows clearly not believing her excuse for a single moment.

"So, you think I'm your brother?" he inquired.

Meredith shook her head.

"No, you're too hot to be my brother." She quickly placed her hand on her mouth as if she could take the words back. Did she just say that loud?

Amusement crossed Atlas face before his eyes dropped to her lips. He slowly unbelievably shook his head.

"You put your boss's fingers in your mouth on your first day at work. You're really something aren't you?"

Meredith looked on the floor and kneaded her fingers, "Erm..it sounds weird when you put it like that."

Atlas looked at her deadpan. "It is weird."

The bitter flower of shame bloomed across her cheeks. "I'm really sorry sir.....I-I don't know what came over me and I-"

"Enough." Atlas interrupted her.

"Don't let this happen again." Of course, he wanted this to happen again just next time he would prefer her on her knees with her lips wrapped around something other than his fingers.

Meredith nodded. "Y-yes sir." Meredith swallowed the lump of sand in her throat. She wanted the earth to open and swallow her right now. This was mortifying.

"Good. Now if you don't mind, will you please go and fix your bow tie properly?" He snapped.

"Huh?" Her brows pinched before she looked down at her blouse and saw that her bow tie was loose showing her cleavage.

Realization drawn on her face while a flush of shameful red spread across her cheeks.

"I-Yes sir. Sorry."

"I need to work." Atlas gestured towards the door with his hand. He needed her gone before all his reasons flee, leaving only the madness of desire.

She was a prey and he wouldn't claim her until he has toyed her. That's what will make the game interesting and for the love of the game he would have to wait.

Meredith exhale heavily and walked towards the door. Atlas watched her sway her hips from side to side and he felt himself harden.

"Miss Rossi?" Atlas rasped, his cock throbbing in his pants. He had no idea why he called her. All he knew was that his prey was so close he could almost grab her. All he had to do was…..

Meredith spanned back to him, interrupting his thoughts.

"Are you going to fire me?" She blurted out her thoughts, unable to help it.

Atlas raised his eyebrows and he paused for a moment. His eyes drank in the expression on her face, the panic, fear and another emotion that was difficult for him to capture. Was it lust?

"No. I'm giving you a second chance don't mess it up." He finally replied.

Everyone knew Atlas Martini didn't give second chances but her first day at work and here he was already breaking his own rules.

Her lips parted, her brows pulled together in shock and happiness as her eyes held his for a moment.

"Thank you. I won't let you down." She muttered as she left the room. She could feel the heat from his stare on her back as she walked away.

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