

🍮🍮-POV of MARIEL-🍮🍮


The screams of my sister-in-law Amber could be heard all the way to the playground, in a way she was worried that her husband was hitting her

with a face of doubt my husband tells me "what are you screaming, what are you talking about?"

I say again and confirm "if they are, they are screams, if they were moans, they were not as loud as if they were breaking her, she agrees on that, right"

my husband just shakes his head and says to me "leave them alone just wait a little longer, then you come back with the baby and everything will be as always, maybe George will be very, very excited"

clearly he is telling me exaggerated so I say something annoying "well you want to wait two hours I imagine that in that time they are finished"

but John only mocks saying "two hours baby be realistic" and he keeps saying "if I can hold you for twenty minutes that day we will party, you will only come back in half an hour and you will see that everything is over now let sleep I am tired"

At first he did not want to listen to John, but since he is always right in what he says so I started doing the dishes, cleaning my kitchen, doing some laundry and I take care of the girls

When I realized the half hour had passed like water, I loaded myself with the baby and we returned to the house of my sister-in-law Amber

but I stopped again in her playground her screams went on and on as if they were as if they were hitting her every second

only the time I was there was 120 screams

When I finished counting them I left the playground and brought the baby home again

when I got home I wanted to tell John but he was already asleep, damn John, one hot and the one asleep

to kill time again I take a bath to lower the heat a bit when I left the bathroom I washed my clothes, watered the plants and before it was done later I carried the baby again and we are going to see her parents

to see if this time they finally finished

this time the voice of my sister-in-law Amber could hardly be heard but they were still fearing their meeting they were making children, the blow their bodies were making was heard outside

* clap, clap, clap, *

I entered the house as quietly as possible, I left the baby in her crib but I put an additional hat on her so that the possible noise that her parents would make if they get out of control again

I was ready to go out just as I entered, without making any noise

"Now get like a cat and lift that ass for me"

🖐 * PASS * 💥🍑

that stopped me was a bit of everything, the voice, the expression, the position, the order and the blow, a tickle between my legs told me to look out and learn to tell John, but the guy's voice seemed taken from a glen , very serious

I also realize that that voice was not that of her husband George, with all the more reason I try to avoid leaning out but again what he says stopped me

"This is just the beginning, come on bitch now move your ass"

🖐 * PASS * 💥🍑

Curiosity completely won me, I walked as slowly as I could and under the curtain I looked out and it was a total blow to everything I had seen so far

I was surprised at the beginning, I put my hand to my mouth to avoid shouting a bad word and look that I had several (oh, by God, what the hell this, what the hell) and some more

As my eyes adapted to see more and more my surprise grew, because one thing is to look at strangers making children and quite another when you see someone you know making children and even more if instead of one, there are two

will two say? Yes, there are two of them, they do not fool me and I have to check it

🖐 * PASS * 💥🍑

"Come on come on move your ass"

"Aah! .... god ... oh my god .... Aaagh!

🖐 * PASS * 💥🍑

* clap, clap, clap *

"YEs, daddy yes so good so deep ohh ... holy shit"

🖐 * PASS * 💥🍑

* clap, clap, clap *

Just seeing her sweaty bodies colliding over and over again, how she pulls her hair without the slightest delicacy with sheer force, without that love that men show you when you marry them

It was like a rite of strength, power and mating in the wildest style

when the subject pulls his arms back while my sister-in-law receives the thrusts from her as she is drilling again and again in the back while that bastard tells her

"Get it bitch, I want you to say it"

and the most outrageous of all this was that my sister-in-law obeyed her order screaming

"Yes daddy, yes, fill me with your semen, one more time, come on daddy fill me with your hot and rich milk"

but the shock that I receive when I see the complete silhouette of that person when she is illuminated by the reflection of the moon

moon that is rising at that precise moment

the most important decision, I made it at that moment

going to the only place that would receive my answers


At the end of our sex session, Amber's body was crossed on the bed, she is completely exhausted, the first thing I did was move and accommodate both George and Amber

The next thing was to clean Amber's body of all the sweat and fluids, although the room smells like pure Peach, it is still the smell of having sex

when i finish cleaning up my whole crime scene

with only five minutes to go I leave the house to avoid any problem I wait next to the window until George wakes up

"Amber Amber I had a dream too real" but Amber was exhausted she barely reacts, I move and walk between the houses when we are in considerable dystocia

I check what I win for my assault

🗨 [1st special mission] {repeatable} [DONE]

👿 make your own legend in the village

<Reward: 1st draw roulette

<the roulettes of the draw have started>

<5 silver coins>

they are located ½ meter between your house and the bathroom at ½ meter depth

<Special reward: when collecting 5 victims (1/5)

Note: due to excessive wear and tear from sexual activities, she receives 1 drink as an additional bonus that restores her energies and shapes her body to be a beauty

I turned around looking for the drink but there was nothing, under the Assault Kit bag and inside the bag was a bottle called (cum-such)

Cum-such: restores, revitalizes and shapes the body of a woman, turning her into a beauty to have the desired results the woman must drink 10 times

[Amber] 0/10

Note: only the designated woman can drink this liquid without any of the side effects, be very careful

side effects: nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, stomachaches, headache, and bone pain (X5 effects in men)

When I finish seeing the effects of her I sigh and I keep walking here it gets dark like 7 at night it will be like 10 at night approximately too late for someone to be outside their houses

while I keep walking I hear several footsteps behind me this makes me more alert and I try to lose it naturally

I walk through several streets of the village until I reach a couple of alleys and I hide to the side

after 5 minutes a silhouette rushes to enter the alley thank heaven I still have not removed the assault kit (passes mountains) although it is only one piece I feel it serves a lot

the silhouette enters the alley where I immediately jump on him

the person yells "Kyaaa"



🍺🍺-POV of GEORGE-🍺🍺

I jumped up and said to my wife who is sleeping right next to me, "Amber, Amber I had a dream too real" but she does not move

In my dream they gave her the fuck of her life that was decimated horrifying to see how my wife was penetrated again and again by a damn stranger while she asked for more and more.

I got up sweaty and grabbed a stick, I looked everywhere in the room that bastard was so real

When I finished checking I went out into the hallway and we entered the baby's room, which slept like an angel, I also looked everywhere for a stick in hand

We searched the kitchen, the patio, the bathroom and even on the street when we didn't find anything, my skin crawled when I discovered that this was not a dream that was all a nightmare

when we returned to the inside of the house we closed everything again with several posts over the door and a few in the windows

I did not feel safe at all, I will have to buy a sword or a dagger, taking a quick look at the little room of the girl who, like her mother, has a very heavy dream, I decide to wait a moment

I keep watch for a while with a stick on the side of the bed

For what it can serve me, damn nightmare I completely take off sleep

🍺🍺End of GEORGE's POV-🍺🍺

"Wait, stop, don't do anything to me, please" she tells me with a very scared voice and without letting go of her neck I asked her several questions while I decide if I break her neck or not

"Who are you?" The subject doubts a little, this makes me press his neck more, only that the guy is still stubborn because he does not want to talk.

but when I feel even more I tighten his neck he tells me "I'll talk, I'll talk, just loosen your grip a little, please let go a little" I release his neck and throw him in the middle of the alley

"I'm Euyin" the subject responds with fear while rubbing his neck "what do you do?"

"I am a tailor I make clothes" that means a bad feeling, so I got serious, Euyin notices my behavior and spits everything "don't get it wrong wait, the girl works for the competition the bastard of her boss only takes advantage of his position and forces girls to sell themselves "

I stayed crossed my arms is not that I am interested in that shit of being a hero, that kind of shit is honestly not with me

It is the truth I do not have a badly paid hero complex, for an insipid thank you

Euyin keeps telling me "I found out that the boss attacks the poor girls at night mainly in the early morning and I decided to wait if the damn attacked here"

I let out a sigh "Oh, you're a fool" I approach him to loosen his ideas a bit, let him tell me everything at once and stop suspending but before I touch him Euyin tells me everything and sings like a little bird

"Wait, stop, I'll tell you, wait, I'm a tailor, one of the colleagues from her work told me where she lived, she also told me that her boss is starting to harass her, as he did to her, the girl is Her name is Samantha and her boss is named Anton Potter is the brother of the village chief and almost no one knows about Vector but those three are brothers

Antón always carries a silver coin playing in his hand. Margaret's husband is today afternoon something big happened in the village that girl's little brother did something to one of the brothers and Antón says he would take revenge tonight "

I cross my arms "that's theirs now tell me what the hell were you doing in front of that house huh"

the guy gulps, sighs and says "I like to look like people, children do that always excites me to arrive early before those bastards, so they don't discover me and have a good place to watch how I know those bastards will come in the dawn I just have to wait "

Those words made a part of me turn on in hatred I breathe heavy and I ask him "do you know where that Anton lives"

Euyin shakes his head and tells me "yes of course I know, but those bastards gather elsewhere and attack in the early morning before dawn

they do all their misdeeds and go unpunished because they are covered in the morning by the village chief and his henchmen "

As I tell you, I never liked being the hero I prefer to be the bad guy, the bastard that everyone fears and hates, that will be me

Today I will teach you the consequences of messing with a heartless pervert.

"Sir, sir, I would like to be your follower, I can even offer my wife who tells me sir" Suddenly I am silent and in a low voice he tells me "only that she is more chubby than that woman I do not know if she likes it as a sacrifice"

when the hell I told him that I am is a sect or a cult, to make that kind of sacrifices Euyin's face says it all

I sigh and say "look Euyin first let me take care of those guys and then we see your case as a follower"

Euyin seems to have received sad news from the face that he makes "I'll wait for you at midnight at the village gate, if you miss you will not be my follower and I will not be able to accept your sacrifice"

Eutin seems to have received a couple of extra batteries because he yells at me before disappearing "I'll be there sir without fail at midnight"

when I was about to walk Euyin came back running and said "sir sir I forgot, when I was inside that house a woman arrived with a baby in her arms the first two times I did not enter the house, but she did it the third time and He was slow inside, when he left the house he did not carry the baby and looked everywhere as if avoiding being seen "

"You didn't see how it was" Euyin shakes her head in denial and tells me "it was dark but she was thin" I do a bit of memory and there are only two who take care of the babies. I say "Well Euyin go home and see you at dawn

On the way, I checked my points, the ones I got with Amber were 500 ₧ I could get more points with my mother to sleep her and put my points to farming but that will be later today not

when I was two houses away from reaching mine, I took off my balaclava and put it in my bag I did it for a good reason

I decide to arrive without making noise, having what my mother was doing

she was sitting at the table with two plates of food served and every so often she looked at the door waiting for my arrival I was very nervous for my part I decide to buy the shampoo and give it to her as a gift

I arrived making a little noise "mother I'm at home" I yelled from the door, my mother got up and ran to greet me, quickly embraces me and hangs on my neck like a young lover "Neo, Neo you are very bad, you leave waiting for one lady all night "he tells me pouting

she smiled at him and hugged her waist, I lift her in my arms, as if she were my beautiful wife

the image is simple it was like a newly married couple

I take her to the kitchen, I sit on the chair and I feel her on my legs throughout my work the color of my mother's face changes from different tones mainly on her cheeks

I tell her and explain "look mom I brought you as a gift it's called shampoo and it's the same as soap but it works for hair" m mother snatched the shampoo from my hands and wanted to go use it immediately but I stopped her, I didn't let her stay will lift

My mother's complaints were immediate "Neo let mommy go to bathe so that she smells nice or is it that you don't want your mommy to smell nice huh" I hug her waist around her lowering my hand between hips and buttocks but it was more buttock what a hip starting to rub it

I tell my mother "my mommy has to go with me to eat first before bathing because if she doesn't accompany me I'll eat mommy at night" giving a little pat on the backside my mother looks down and nods once more

"Well mommy open your mouth I'll feed you I don't want you to pass out at night from fatigue or hunger" my mother opened her mouth like a small child while she gave him the spoons full of deer soup

at the end of dinner my mother ran out while she told me "get the dishes up and I'm going to try the shampoo" she got up and in the place where she was sitting my mother was wet

I pick up the dishes, tidy up the kitchen a bit and go to my grandparents' house

as I tell you,

I don't want to farm my mother yet for the plans I have

I entered the house in the place where I would stay tonight and I lay down to sleep a little

I have a perfect idea of ​​how my mother would get out of that bathroom, practically putting on a fire and looking for someone to turn it off

She will be looking for some action but it is very important to arrive tonight or Amber would have a very bad time at her house and not only her, her family as well

so with the pain in my heart I took a sleeping pill leaving 350 ₧

* TOC-TOC * 🚪

* TOC-TOC * 🚪

A silhouette of a woman entered and closed the door

She cleared her throat and gathered the necessary courage to make the request that she had in mind while she dried all the clothes, it was just her dress

When she saw Neo's naked body, in front of her she gulped when she saw more of her tool, but in the end she said "Neo, Neo, you are awake Neo I want you to me ...." The woman did not finish her sentence when she heard some footsteps approaching and she went to hide before they saw her

* TOC-TOC * 🚪

* TOC-TOC * 🚪

"Baby, mommy needs a big favor like a woman mommy has ...." The woman was shocked when she saw another woman entering the room, she was only entangled with a towel

Telma froze when she saw another naked woman trying to hide at the end of the room

her thinking that she was Ari and says out loud "I've never seen you and you've never seen me, let me finish my homework here and I'll go"

The woman does not answer but Telma did not need to receive approval, she was fuming because of the heat, she walked to the front of the bed looking at Neo's naked body and licked her lips

swallow some saliva and her emotion grows every moment just seeing that incredible tool of Neo

she takes off her towel and throws it on the floor preparing to get on the bed

her lust controls him .....

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