

[???] pov

as soon as his transformation finished pitou opens his eyes as he looks on his surroundings

so the original dark florest as its nigth and the trees are tall enougth and their leaves sre big enougth to cover all of the moonligth

making the florest below these trees seam like an abyss as its so dark you cant even see anything like you are really on an infinity abyss

but with his trasformation we have the tall trees that covered the area isbt there as they are all or seni decomposed or became ash long ago

the grass benef his feat frezzed to the point that all of the ground is covered with permafrost

the space on the ground is stuck for some reason

but it seams that the space and time are frezzed for some time as its the manual probably pushed energy from all over the continent to turn this ordinary body of his into the [WEIGTHLESS BODY]

but anyway

pitou then tried to look at his apearence

so he used NEN more expecificaly transformation as he turns his nen to ice and make a ice mirror

he then take out his mask and looks at his new aparence

first his hair is reaching the ground which is strange considering that a tranformation of a type of body shouldn make his hair grow at least in teory

his hair is silker than ever and is super smoth is presant to pass you hand trough it

his pupils became bigger and darker than alredy was making he look like a doll as its alredy biger than a normal human and a creppy doll as his pupils are too dark like two black holes that are devouring ligth

pitou thinks that with those eyes he is going to be scarier than he alredy is

his delicated featured became even more delicated which shouldnt be possible but ok now as his aparence is impossible by human standarts making he look like the best product that the creation god has ever done on his eternal life

perfect pink lips, delicated eye brows

his semi muscular body is gone as he is smaller and his limbs are thiner

but he still has a semi semi abs like that of a woman who isnt a bodybuilder nor is woman who havent exercised on their lifes its a good healthy abs but nothing exagerated

his body fat is almost non existence

after looking at his apearence pitou puts hia mask back on as he uses


as black wings sprout from his back he flaps his wings as he lunches into the sky he flies back to the academy

he looks on the surroundings the florest that was well destroyed on some parts some arent but you can see that around and 8 miles from the spot he bagan the trasformation is gone

so he acelerated to the city as being there isnt the best decision as the major forces are probably going to be searching for the cause of this fenomena

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