
There it is - Suit up, buckaroo

It took hours and hours. They drove through the day and night. Then, finally, civilized objects began to appear.

"What's that?" Perros stared at a tall straight stick in the distance.

"Power line poles. They run electricity to the cities. You know what those are, don't you?" Fabricio said unsurely of Perros's knowledge.

"Right~" Perros said hesitantly.

"Old York is something you've never seen before. The whole town was built on a gold vein without ANYONE knowing about it, until recently... Almost all of it has been mined, just wait till you witness the void like hole that's left." Fabricio said excitedly.

"Fabricio and I were there, therefore we've seen it." Otto added, with Fabricio nodding.

"You can give me a tour once we get there." Perros said cheerfully.

There was a silence for a moment as Fabricio and Otto looked at each other.

"There is a slight problem with that..." Fabricio said.

"What problem?" Perros asked.

"You see, the whole town is separated into two parts. The one that stayed on the surface and thrived on the mined gold. People there are of the highest class, you won't find richer people than that..." Fabricio explained.

"The other part of the town started as a small underground settlement for miners, but soon developed into a small town. And as the mine deepened, so did the town... Some people on the surface don't even know the place exists down there." Otto finished after Fabricio.

Perros stared thoughtfully into the distance before saying the sentence Fabricio had been expecting.

"Let's help them! They can't live there forever." Perros vigorously said.

"Not possible..." Fabricio hastily responded.

"Why? Has anyone tried it before? Just because YOU haven't tried it doesn't mean it's not possible..." Perros fired up.

"BECAUSE, it would be impossible to move them to the surface level, without the rich assholes interfering." Fabricio retorted as he looked back at him.

With Fabricio still looking at him, a smug look appeared on Perros' face.

"But there is a way..." Perros grinned.

"They have to get the gold to the surface somehow, don't they?" He added pensively.

Fabricio and Otto glanced at each other and jointly looked at Perros.

"T-That won't---" Mutually they wanted to say, but Perros interrupted both of them.

"It will work! That's an amazing plan!" Perros praised himself with a beaming smile on his face.

Fabricio rolled his eyes and sighed.

"If you can manage to do that, I'm on board." Fabricio conceded.

"But, if something happens, I'm bailing. Crewmember or not..." He added.

"I knew you wouldn't let me down. After all, it's a marvelous plan." Perros was still smiling.

"Enough! You've been boasting with your straightforward plan so much, that you completely missed something!" Otto said in exasperation.

"What?!" Perros and Fabricio eagerly exclaimed.

Otto pointed ahead of him. There lay their goal, the railway. They stopped in front of it and looked around. Fabricio pulled out his compass as he surveyed the surroundings.

"The train should go from there..." Fabricio pointed eastly.

"Out there towards west. So if we stay here, or rather, stay a little off to the side, we shouldn't attract attention." He added, turning around.

Hours passed and night set in. Doubts grew in them, there was no certainty that the train would actually be coming. Except for Perros. Whatever might happen, he was ready to face any setback.

"It should have been here by now... This doesn't seem right." Fabricio mused.

"Maybe it's been delayed, wouldn't you know." Otto retorted.

"Either it will pass by us or it won't come at all. There's no other railroad on which it could move..." Perros said calmly.

"Do you hear that?" Otto looked to the west.

"Do you hear what---" Perros listened to the distant silence.

In the far distance, there was the soft sound of railroad bumps clicking. Soon the headlight of a train emerged from the horizon, steam rising into the sky.

"That's it! That's the train!" Fabricio shouted warily.

"Hide the cart. And prepare to ambush, but as I said, don't arouse any suspicion." He added.

"Hey, I'm the captain! I give the orders." Perros said irritably.

"First of all, it's my plan, and second of all, you're nothing right now. So let's make something out of you..." Fabricio said.

"Therefore, do as I say." He added, pushing the cart with the others behind the nearest boulder.

It wasn't long before the train was passing them. There were several coupes and one wagon, which was guarded on both sides by armed men. That was their objective.

"When it completely passes, we will take the horse and get on the train from behind." Fabricio explained.

Not even a minute had passed before the last wagon passed them. Fabricio mounted his horse, held out his hand to Perros and was about to follow the train.

"Let me get on!" Otto struggled to mount the horse.

"Sorry... You're not part of the plan." Fabricio coldly said, pushed Otto away and ran after the train.

"HEY!" Otto shouted as he picked himself up off the ground.

"What was that supposed to be? Not part of the plan - What do you mean?" Perros peppered him with questions.

"Nothing to be worried about. All you have to focus on now is getting what's on that train... I'll explain everything later." Fabricio mysteriously said.

Perros began to view Fabricio with suspicion. He knew what Fabricio's plan was, but only the part he had told him. Still Fabricio was keeping something to himself.

By the time Perros stopped thinking about Fabricio's behavior, they had reached the distance where they could jump on the train.

"They haven't spotted us yet, but it's only a matter of time before they do, so be aware..." Fabricio quickly warned Perros.

"Are you ready?" He added.

"I was born ready." Perros jumped out first and landed easily on the caboose.

"Now you, come on." He added, waving his hand towards himself.

Fabricio leapt off. Unfortunately, his foot slipped off the horse. He managed to jump off, but he didn't land as safely as Perros. Fabricio almost didn't make it, he did manage to catch the guardrail, but only with one hand.

"Don't stare, help me!" Fabricio anxiously cried out.

"Mind telling me, what the rest of your plan is... I mean, until you do, you just have to keep on holding, I guess..." Perros said mockingly.

"Alright, alright..." Fabricio paused.

"All I want to do is get you some new gear, meet up with your crew, and go conquer the lands with you. That's all, I swear." He added.

Perros looked at him. The gaze he gave Fabricio could break a mountain. Fabricio's hand started slipping, it was now or never.

"Okay." Perros quickly replied, helping him onto the train.

"Now, which one is the wagon we are looking for?" He added.

Fabricio leaned over the side of the wagon.

"Two wagons from this one." Fabricio pointed.

"Let's go." Perros put his hand on the door knob, but Fabricio stopped him.

"You don't know what this wagon is for, do you?" Fabricio asked.

"This is the guards' quarters." He added.

"Right..." Perros stopped.

But when he considered it, he opened the door anyway.

"No one is here---" Perros looked to his left, but before he could see to his right, someone slowly put a gun to his head.

"Hold it there. What are you doing here? This area is off limits to people like you." The guard said and loaded his gun.

"Fabricio, I forgot to warn you..." Perros turned his head slightly back to Fabricio.

"Don't move!" The guard pressed his gun even harder against Perros' head.

"Watch your tone when you speak to me... I'm your captain." He added menacingly.

Perros was still on the tip of the guard's gun. He quickly moved his head forward to avoid being shot and deftly disarmed the guard, pointing his gun at him.

"So~ Where do you keep it..." Perros asked.

"Where do I keep what?" Guard was clueless.

"The... you know... t-the thing... Fabricio..." Perros was also clueless.

"Guns and clothing..." Fabricio facepalmed while standing in the door.

"Yeah that!" Perros said like he remembered.

"Honestly I don't know..." Guard started sweating.

"They didn't---" He wanted to add, but Fabricio cut him off.

"This is a train... You can't hide it here... There are only seven wagons, which one is it?" Fabricio fretted.

"I had to try..." The guard admitted.

"Two wagons from this one... Now let me go!" He added.

"You can go now..." Perros put down his gun and pushed the guard through the door. Fabricio stepped aside and the guard fell over the railing onto the tracks.

"That's not what I meant!" The guard's voice echoed in the distance.

"And now, quick, to the wagon!" Perros said vigorously.

"Why hurry?" Fabricio asked.

"Why not?" Perros retorted as he was on his way forward.

The next wagon was easily passable, as there was nothing on it except a few creates and planks. The next coupe was empty, which struck both Perros and Fabricio as odd, but they didn't mind because their goal lay before them.

"That's it. That's the wagon." Perros pointed towards them.

"Get what's in there and we can leave this train." Fabricio responded.

"I'll wait here." He added.

Perros went inside. There, right before him, lay a chest. Besides her, there was a lot of treasures, expensive clothing, building materials etc. As he came closer, he kept observing everything in the carriage. Perros stood in front of the chest, took a deep breath and opened it. There were two revolvers in it, two regular revolvers.

"Nothing special, but better than nothing." Perros sighed.

While Perros was still inside, Fabricio watched the scenery as the train was still moving.

"Stop the train!" A voice echoed in the distance.

Fabricio slowly looked to the end of the train, it was Azraq and his officers.

"Oh, shit." Fabricio exclaimed.

"Hurry up, Perros!" He added.

Perros quickly walked back out. Dressed exactly the same as before.

"Why are you wearing the same clothes as before? Wasn't there something better?" Fabricio asked.

"Because they're comfortable?" Perros replied as he looked at him.

"What's wrong..." Perros saw what was pursuing them.

"Oh, shit!" He shouted.

"We can't let them stop the train..." Fabricio said.

"Forward, you and I have to get to the cab in the front." He added.

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