
Let Him Die!

Halland entered the town where the three heroes has been before, his face concealed beneath a black cloak, a child strapped to his back. Clutching three posters in his hand, he approached various individuals, inquiring about the whereabouts of the men depicted on the papers. However, his efforts proved futile as each interaction led to disappointment.

Frustrated, Halland sighed in defeat. "They couldn't have gone far. Where could these three have disappeared to?" he muttered to himself, determined to continue his search. With his child in tow, he made his way towards a nearby bar, intending to quench his thirst before resuming his quest for the heroes.

Halting outside the bar's entrance, Halland hesitated, contemplating whether to enter. His child, perceptive as ever, spoke up, questioning his father's behavior. "Are you going to act funny again, Father?" the innocent voice asked. Halland paused, his gaze filled with a mixture of love and concern, before turning away from the bar.

"No, my dear child, this time your silly father will treat you to something delightful," Halland assured his little one, forcing a smile. They redirected their steps towards a nearby restaurant, where they settled at a table near the window, awaiting their meal. However, Halland soon noticed a commotion unfolding on the streets, capturing his attention.

Curiosity piqued, Halland's gaze fixed upon a group of familiar faces. They were men he had served with in the royal army, engaged in a conversation with three girls. His focus sharpened as he observed one of the girls displaying the same posters Halland had been carrying, pointing towards the west.

"Father?" his child's voice broke Halland's concentration. He swiftly stood up, taking his child along, bewildering the little one. As they approached the group of men and girls, Halland couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

"Are you certain these are the ones you encountered outside of town?" one of the men inquired.

"Yes, they were powerful. They incapacitated my sister and disarmed us. They headed West towards Tharban. I'm positive they're either there or close by," the girl responded confidently.

Halland's heart raced as he listened. Determination surged through his veins as he swiftly placed his child back on his back, ready to take action. He sprinted towards the nearby stable near the city gate, intending to retrieve his horse and pursue the heroes, now armed with their approximate location.

After paying the stable owner, Halland mounted his horse, his child safely secured at his back. With a determined glimmer in his eyes, he galloped westward, a faint smile gracing his face. However, his child, hoping for a sweet treat, voiced his disappointment.

"Aren't we having those sweets today, Father?" the little one inquired.

Halland apologized with a smile, offering his child a piece of jerky instead. "I'm sorry, Eirk, but we must reach the three heroes before the army catches up to them," he explained solemnly.

The child puffed his cheeks, visibly upset, but his father's unwavering determination spurred them forward. Halland rode ahead, his eyes fixed on the path ahead, a silent plea echoing in his heart. "Please, stay safe until I arrive."

Yet, the scene that awaited Halland was far from what he had hoped for. The three heroes he sought stood before a colossal creature wielding a massive club, mercilessly crushing Jasem. The other heroes observed the unfolding spectacle with unsettling smiles, making no move to aid their comrade in distress.


Half an hour before Jasem was being crushed by the colossal creature, the three heroes, accompanied by Luna, strolled along, engrossed in discussions to refine their plan. Dean and Adam led the conversation, brainstorming ideas to enhance their strategy, while Jasem and Luna walked silently, attentively absorbing the conversation.

Dean proposed an approach, suggesting they seek out villages plagued by bandit attacks or other troubles and offer their aid. "If we assist these villages and smaller communities, we may be able to improve our reputation," he suggested to Adam, who promptly responded.

"I agree, that is an option. However, we must exercise caution. first we need to get powerful enough before we draw unwanted attention toward us. Besides, we may encounter dangerous adversaries and put ourselves in harm's way," Adam advised, considering the potential risks involved.

Dean nodded, comprehending the wisdom in Adam's words. Just as he was about to contribute further, Jasem, struck by an idea, interjected abruptly, attempting to make his voice heard. "How about we create a problem and then solve it? By doing so, we can maintain control over the situation," Jasem proposed, hoping for their attention.

However, his suggestion fell on deaf ears, as Dean and Adam continued their discussion, inadvertently ignoring Jasem's input. Frustration crept into Jasem's voice as he muttered, "Tsk... of course, you won't listen to me."

Disheartened, Jasem trailed behind the others, feeling unheard and overlooked. As they continued their walk, Jasem's acute hearing picked up on an unusual sound. He halted abruptly, causing everyone to stop and look around, alert to the unexpected interruption.

"Did you hear that?!" Jasem exclaimed, his senses on high alert as he scanned the surroundings. Adam, searching for any signs of disturbance, replied, "No, I didn't hear anything." His gaze swept the area, finding nothing but the lush foliage and rustling bushes behind them.

Jasem lingered for a few moments, his eyes scanning the environment, but finding no evidence to substantiate his concerns. Convinced that they should move forward, he pivoted and resumed walking, his companions following suit. Dean, leaning closer to Luna, whispered, "I think he's starting to lose his mind," eliciting a small chuckle from Luna as they observed Jasem, who appeared increasingly paranoid, glancing over his shoulder and scanning the surroundings.

As the laughter subsided, Jasem's attention was drawn once again to an unfamiliar noise. He abruptly turned to face Dean and Luna, his expression serious, causing their laughter to dissolve instantly.

"Did you hear that?" Jasem repeated his query, hoping they had also perceived the sound. Dean, still slightly amused, jokingly asked, "Did you eat some wild mushrooms while working out today?" Yet, Jasem paid no mind to the jest, his gaze scanning the surroundings once more.

Adam, joining the investigation, suggested, "Are you sure it wasn't these two causing the commotion?" He pointed towards Dean and Luna, who had been laughing just moments ago. Jasem turned his attention towards them before shaking his head, dismissing their involvement. "I heard these two whispering, but this sound was different—like someone in pain," Jasem clarified.

Before Adam could finish his thought, Jasem hushed him abruptly, silencing any further discussion. A faint voice, barely audible, called out for help, emanating from the southeast. The four companions instinctively shifted their gaze in that direction, exchanging puzzled glances.

Dean, on the verge of uttering his confusion, was interrupted by Jasem's decisive declaration. "Let's go there!" Jasem exclaimed, already sprinting towards the source of the sound without consulting his friends. Adam and Dean tried to reason with him, cautioning against the possibility of it being a trap.

"Hey, wait!"

"That could be a trap!" they shouted in unison, attempting to deter Jasem's impulsive charge. However, Jasem paid no heed to their concerns, his determination unwavering. Ignoring their protests, he continued running towards the sound, prompting a resigned sigh from his companions as they reluctantly followed suit.

The group pressed on, the sound growing louder and more distinct with each step. Eventually, they halted as they emerged into an open space, confronted by a multitude of goblins standing before them. Amidst the chaotic scene, they discovered a young girl with long blonde hair. She wore a tattered black and orange robe, adorned with bloodstains, indicating her injuries. Her staff lay beside her, a weapon rendered useless in her weakened state.

Jasem's urgency and determination surged as he witnessed the dire circumstances unfolding before his eyes. Ten menacing goblins surrounded the injured girl, their swords drawn and malice gleaming in their eyes.

"Get your weapons out!" Jasem shouted, his voice filled with a mix of command and concern. Activating his [Diamond Skin] skill, he lunged towards the goblins, swinging his hands fervently. However, his sluggish speed hindered his attempts as the agile creatures managed to evade his strikes.

Adam, while disapproving of Jasem's impulsive actions, recognized the necessity of immediate intervention. "Stop rushing into situations like this," he admonished, his irritation evident. Adam and Dean swiftly joined the fray, aligning themselves with Luna, who mirrored their determination.

Sensing the limitations of his slow speed, Jasem shifted his focus to protecting the defenseless girl. Adopting a defensive stance, he positioned himself as a shield between her and the encroaching danger.

Adam, utilizing his [Time Acceleration] skill, dispatched two goblins with remarkable speed, gaining the upper hand in his skirmish with a third. Meanwhile, Dean and Luna, working in tandem, swiftly vanquished five of the goblins. Luna's strength and agility allowed her to single-handedly defeat three opponents before assisting Dean in subduing the remaining two.

Realizing the battle was turning against them, the remaining goblins fled the scene, prompting celebrations from Dean and Luna. Adam, having emerged victorious from his own clash, turned his attention to the injured girl lying on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Adam inquired, concern evident in his voice. The girl, relieved by their timely arrival, nodded and replied, "Yes, thanks for your help."

However, her attempt to rise proved futile, as the pain from her broken leg overwhelmed her. "Stay still, don't move!" Adam instructed, his voice filled with urgency. He turned to Jasem, standing nearby, and directed him, "Carry her on your back. We need to leave before these bastards return with reinforcements."

Jasem nodded, gently lifting the girl onto his back, prepared to make their escape. But just as they were about to depart, an ominous sound reverberated through the air, growing louder with each approaching step.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

The source of the sound materialized before them, halting their progress.


"What the fuck is that?!" Adam exclaimed, his voice laced with a mix of fear and disbelief. The four companions craned their necks, their gazes fixed upon the daunting figure that towered over them.

"It's an ogre!" Dean identified, his recognition stemming from countless encounters with such creatures in gaming adventures.

Reacting swiftly, the group wasted no time in fleeing from the ogre's imminent attack. With a thunderous swing of its club, the ground trembled, trees swayed, and the force of impact sent the five individuals sprawling.

"Gouaaaaa~" The ogre bellowed, the sheer volume of its roar causing everyone to instinctively cover their ears, shielding themselves from its deafening reverberations. Without a moment's pause, the creature launched another assault, its intentions clear.

"Incoming!" Dean's warning echoed through the turmoil, prompting the group to scatter in different directions, evading the ogre's ferocious strike. The ground quaked once more, but this time, they were prepared, maintaining their balance and standing firm.

Amidst the chaos, Jasem, burdened with carrying the injured girl, suddenly shouted, his voice carrying a mix of urgency and desperation. He called out to his friends, who stood scattered and distant, their attention now focused on Jasem's distress.

"What should we do?" in the face of imminent danger, Jasem looked to his companions for guidance. Adam, positioned strategically behind the ogre, swiftly responded.

"Secure the girl in a safe place and divert the ogre's attention," Adam instructed, his voice filled with a sense of urgency. Jasem nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation, and carefully moved the injured girl to a secure spot.

Taking his position in front of the towering ogre, Jasem fearlessly initiated a series of punches aimed at the creature's feet. His actions successfully drew the ogre's focus, prompting it to launch a relentless assault against Jasem.

Adam, confident in Jasem's resilience due to his formidable defensive capabilities, called out to Dean and Luna, who stood to his right. "Attack with all your might!" he urged them. Dean and Luna nodded in unison, joining Adam in a coordinated assault against the colossal foe.

The ogre, enduring the relentless barrage, let out agonizing screams of pain. Luna, positioned behind the ogre, delivered a relentless onslaught of stabs, while Dean and Adam unleashed their formidable skills, dealing substantial damage from beneath the creature.

In a desperate attempt to retaliate, the ogre reached back, attempting to dislodge Luna from its back. Yet, despite its efforts, the ogre's arms fell short, unable to reach Luna's elusive form as she continued her relentless assault.

Looking down upon Dean and Adam, a malicious grin spread across the ogre's face, sending a shiver down their spines. A sense of impending danger washed over them, warning of an impending catastrophe.

With a few powerful strides forward, the ogre leaped into the air, leaning back with the intention of crushing all those beneath its formidable weight. Reacting swiftly, Luna propelled herself away from the imminent impact zone, while Dean and Adam raced to escape the impending catastrophe.

As the ogre descended upon the ground, Jasem, unable to evade in time, found himself trapped beneath the immense weight of the creature. Helpless and motionless, he became the target of the ogre's brutal assault.

Watching the horrifying scene unfold, Dean turned to Adam, concern etched across his face. "Shouldn't we help him?" he asked urgently, hoping for a glimmer of compassion within his companion.

However, to Dean's surprise and dismay, Adam wore a sinister smile, his eyes betraying a deep-seated resentment. "Nah, let him suffer," Adam responded callously, his voice filled with a twisted satisfaction. Memories of Jasem's past transgressions resurfaced, fueling their indifference to his plight.

As Jasem endured the relentless pummeling, his pleas for aid went unanswered, leaving him to face the consequences of his actions alone.

Jasem, covered in shimmering diamond scales, unleashed his frustration upon his companions, his voice filled with both anger and desperation. "Do something, you bastards!" he shouted, his plea echoing through the chaos that surrounded them. The three of them, momentarily stunned, snapped back to reality, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Adam quickly took charge, his voice brimming with determination. "Dean, use your Shock Waves to bring the ogre down!" he commanded. Dean, hoisted upon Luna's shoulders, extended his hands towards the ogre's head, summoning his powerful [Shock Waves]. The ground trembled as the ogre lost balance and crashed to the ground, momentarily dazed.

Seizing the opportunity, Luna descended swiftly, her sword poised to strike.

[Highsand Swordsmanship: Slash] With a swift and decisive motion, she brought her blade down upon the ogre's vulnerable neck, causing a gush of crimson to stain the earth.

Meanwhile, Adam, positioned beside the ogre's head, tapped into his unique skills. [Time Acceleration] he exclaimed, activating his ability to move at an accelerated pace. In a flurry of lightning-fast strikes, his sword pierced the ogre's neck, exacerbating the already grievous wound.

Jasem, not one to be left out, climbed atop the ogre's chest. Encasing his fists in the impenetrable shield of diamond skin, he unleashed a devastating barrage of punches upon the ogre's body, his [Iron Fist] technique striking home. One mighty blow pierced the ogre's heart, causing it to cough up a torrent of blood before succumbing to death.

As the lifeless ogre lay before them, the four companions stared at the massive creature, their breaths heavy with triumphant exhilaration. Jumping and punching the air in jubilation, they reveled in their victory over the colossal monster that had threatened their lives.

However, amidst the celebration, Jasem's memory of his companions' earlier indifference resurfaced. His gaze turned fierce as he locked eyes with the three. Sensing his unspoken wrath, Adam, Dean, and Luna immediately ceased their celebration, hastily retreating from his presence, keenly aware of the consequences they would face if they were to taste the fury of his fists.

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