
Segment Six, ‘Teeth & Talons’

'Sable's Pov'

Her claws touched the floor of her cage which was solid concrete, she had settled down after her anger as she stood up onto her strong hind legs. Her deadly sickle claws tapped the floor in a steady rhythm. Sable watched the man, as he continued to walk away. His voice and presence made her entire body shake, for she wanted to kill him.

Nothing would please her more than the taste of that mans blood upon her claws. Sable watched him carefully, like the predator that she was, for she needed to know where he was going in order to kill him.

Her mind went off quickly in her thoughts, for she was planning to escape again. This plan of hers was to kill the man who she desperately wanted to kill, more than anything else. That man was always tormenting her, and laughed at her. All of this was a sign of challenge, for he thought he was better than her. He was about to discover the true power that she had, and her intelligence was about to blow him away.

A wicked smirk slowly made itself known onto Sable's maw, for she knew exactly what she was going to do. She got out a few times before, and she was going to do it again. Nothing else was going to get in her way, and if it does she knows who to go after. She looked at the other humans who were walking around, and one in particular caught her eye immediately. The man who had the key to her cage, she eyed him like a prize. If she were to get that key, she could get out again.

She knew how the key worked, for she watched them use it on her cage as well as the other cages in the area. Sable watched him closely, before looking in the direction where her intended target went to.

She then eased herself down onto all fours, as a huffing sound came out of her mouth. She then circled her cage as she focused on her plan, she was definitely thinking and planning about her escape. These humans were not going to stop her this time, it was all or nothing.

'Dr. Wu's Pov'

The feeling in his chest still was painful, but he would live. Lenore was a life saver, and he was glad that she helped him out. Still his mind was on the war path about what had happened earlier. His creation had escaped way to many times already, and that scared him beyond belief. She was far to intelligent than them, and she knew it. Which is why if she saw an opening, she was going to go for it without any thought.

She was very observant as well which didn't help either. The scientist who had gave life to extinct animals was now learning about how deadly they could be, and another hybrid creature was by far the most dangerous animal imaginable. He knew this now, since he had narrowly escaped death from his creation.

Dr.Wu had talked to Lenore earlier when he was there in her room, their discussion still fresh in his memory.

"Lenore I need your help.", spoke Dr.Wu as he looked at her.

"What is it? Does your sides still hurt?", she asked as she turned to look at him.

"N-No, it is about something else? You see I cannot allow Mr.Hagan to sell my creation off. He doesn't know what she is capable of doing!", replied the scientist who was clearly worked up. "I need to contact the military and I need your help!"

Lenore looked at him in disbelief, but she could tell that he was very serious about it. She looked at her desk silently before looking at him firmly. "This creation of yours, what is she?"

Dr.Wu sighed as he replied honestly, "A very dangerous creature, capable of killing. She is a new creature whose code is far different from the first Indoraptor."

Lenore stared at him, she looked down as she crossed her arms. "I have heard bits and pieces about you but I didn't expect them to be real?"

Dr.Wu looked at her silently before saying, "This has been my life's work. I needed money so I stepped over that line, and I fear that I may of made something that is far worse than the last hybrid I have ever made. She is aware of what she can do, and she lives for killing like that of a serial killer."

Lenore's face became a little pale at the last thing he had said, she of course laughed a bit. "No animal is aware of themselves. You can't seriously believe..."

The moment that Lenore looked up did her eyes go wide for Dr.Wu was looking at her now with his own eyes. He looked terrified as his whole body shook, and just by seeing him like this did she understand that he was not kidding. Her eyes slowly looked at the bandages that were on him, which covered his broken ribs.

"We need to get her into a more secure place and this isn't the place.", Dr.Wu looked at the door now for he thought he heard something. His eyes then turned to Lenore. "Will you help me?"

Lenore looked at him as she softly sighed, "Okay. I will see what I can do."

Those words from her really did help to ease the scientist down, but he couldn't help but feel restless. They needed to do something now before it was to late, there really is no telling what Hagan was going to do now.

Dr.Wu was aware of his mistakes as well as what he was responsible for. If his creation was to escape and cause havoc, he would never be allowed to show his face ever again. Though, he knew the risk he never expected things to turn out so badly. Bad luck seems to follow him everywhere, and he didn't even believe in luck.

The sounds of the work in the facility echoed out, and the voices of the many people made him feel comfortable. It just meant that nothing bad was happening, and he knew first hand how quickly that could change. Dr.Wu was in his room, as he laid in his bed in hopes of easing his pain. The day had went by so fast, and now it was the evening. Night was not to far away, and he doubted that he would be able to sleep thanks to his racing mind.

'Sable's Pov'

Darkness soon shifted over the facility, though lights were still on and visible from the darkness. The appearance of the place really did look like a prison, and right now it was Sable's prison. Her form was still moving under the cloak of the darkness, and the lights in her cage wasn't even on.

Sable destroyed the lights in her cage, and she went quiet when she heard a voice.

"Hey the lights aren't even on in there!"

"Hold on I'll check it out?"

Her sharp eyes narrowed in her joy, as she watched a man walk over to her cage. The lights were dimly lighted outside of her cage, and the lights which were in her cage was supposed to be on to show her to the humans. The fact that it was not on, they couldn't see her all that well if at all. This was also the man who had the key, for he took it out to unlock the door of her cage.

She could easily kill him, but she decided to change it up a bit. Sable watched the man all the while she skillfully snatched the key from his belt while he was focused on the busted out light. As he stood up, he stepped outside the door and was now feeling around for his key.

"Hey! Can you bring me a new light!"

"Yeah sure! Hold on!"

The man looked genuinely confused for he couldn't find his key anywhere, but a low chuffing sound made him freeze up. His eyes looked back over his shoulder, and before he could make a sound was he grabbed by two powerful hands as the cage door opened. Sable made sure to impale his stomach while her other hand grabbed his face muffling him.

She then moved her hand slowly to close the door of her cage, making it seem like nothing had happened.

"Hey! I got the new light!", yelled a voice. The other man stood there waiting for a response, and when he didn't get the response did he walk over.

"Hey! I got the light for you!", he replied again this time impatiently.

Sable watched as the other man stood before the door to the cage, and he opened it for he saw the body in there. She smiled in the darkness, for he was unaware of the danger that he was in.

"The light is...!"

Before the guy could finish his words, was he grabbed by the darkness as two powerful hands reached out and grabbed him. Blood was slowly painting the concrete floor, as Sable opened her caged door with her nose. Once she was free did she move skillfully under the shadows.

On all fours she moved around the place, her eyes open and alert for her next target. Sable stopped however when she picked up on a familiar scent, her lips shivered in her anger for she knew what scent she was picking up on.

She was going to kill him, this time!

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

"So much for sleeping...", sighed the drained scientist.

He was up and looking at his desk, at all of the paperwork that was on his creation. His eyes would look through each piece of paper as his sides ached. Dr.Wu closed his eyes as he shook his head, he was more tired than what he once thought.

A knock on the door gained his attention, "Come in."

Lenore slowly walked in while closing the door behind her, "I can't believe I am saying this but I called the military."

Dr.Wu immediately perked up, "And!?!"

"They are coming though...!"

Dr.Wu and Lenore both froze up when they heard a loud terrorizing scream that echoed throughout the building. Dr.Wu was familiar with the sounds, as he got up and moved quickly to the door.

"What on earth is that!?!", gasped Lenore.

"My creation, she escaped!", yelled Dr.Wu as he entered the hallway.

The sounds of many gunshots rung out, along with the screams of other countless people. Dr.Wu was frozen stiff at such horrid sounds.

"What do we do!?!", yelled Lenore.

"Come, we got to sedate her! Hopefully you are a good shot!", spoke Dr.Wu as he ran.

Lenore looked at him in disbelief as she followed him, as the sounds grew louder and more aggressive.

'Sable's Pov'

She found him, and now it was his turn to die. The other people were firing shots at her, which did nothing to her. She charged right through them, while stepping harshly on others who were not lucky to get out of the way. Hagan was running away, and she was right on his heels.

Each corner he went around, she jumped on the wall and dashed forward. Reaching what looks like another large cargo room, she jumped high into the air and landed on Hagan who groaned loudly from the weight.

Her claws sunk deeply into his back which made him scream loudly in pain. Sable watched him squirm underneath her, her eyes were glowing with all of the hate that there was. Hagan was then dragged down with the claws still in his back.


Sable let him go with a deadly smirk, and she watched him get up and right when he turned around she charged him. Hagan was stabbing at her relentlessly with a large knife, he stabbed her in the left side of her mouth which only angered her more. A piercing noise through flesh erupted from Hagan, for one of her sickle claws sunk deep into his right leg. The claw went right through, which made him scream again.

She glared at him after he was done screaming, and the both of them made eye contact. Hagan was panting and bleeding from the side of his mouth, and he didn't look at her in fear for he smiled.

"That all you got...?"

His voice made her shake in her rage, her mouth opened and snapped loudly onto his face. Her mouth was like that of a trap, and it held onto his face strongly as she moved to stand up and she went into a full blown shaking fit. The sounds of his bones breaking was with his muffled screaming which soon ceased after she threw him down. His body tumbled away, and finally it stopped as he lay still.

Sable screamed loudly afterwards, she felt victorious for she finally killed the man who tormented her. She looked at his body, and right when she made a move toward it was she shot on the side of the neck.

She quickly turned around in the direction where the dart came from, and her eyes narrowed sharply at the sight of her creator. Dr.Wu was standing beside another human who shot at her again with another dart. The feeling of the darts didn't hurt, but they did make her angry.

"Fire another one! NOW!", yelled Dr.Wu as he saw her running toward them.

All in a instant, the cargo door flew opened in blinding speed as many lights flooded the room. Sable was in the center of attention as a net flung open and came back down onto her. Screaming loudly she thrashed around violently in the net.

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

The sight of his creation which was thrashing around in the net shook his core. Lenore watched in fear at the creature, as she finally loaded up another dart in the rifle that they found. Dr.Wu looked at the military who honestly came at the right time. He was of course worried that they wouldn't make it in time, but here they were.

The screaming that came from his creation scared him, for she was literally angry. But he didn't need to worry, for the military was working quickly on subduing his creation.

"You made that creature?", asked Lenore.

"Yes.", was the only response that came from Dr.Wu.

Lenore was in shock, and he expected as much since she has never seen such a creature. His eyes then slowly trailed off to look at Hagan who was just a lifeless body. Both Lenore and him came in after following the screams, and he didn't expect to see his creation go mad in wanting to kill something before.

This proved his point, that if she wanted something bad enough she would be moving incredibly fast to get it. Unfortunately, by the time they got there his creation was already shaking the poor man around like a human rag doll. Hagan was a man who he didn't like, but he felt that even he didn't deserve such a death.

Dr.Wu heard the loud cries from his creation as the military moved her into a armored vehicle. She was of course still within the net, and was lifted up thanks to a crane that was here in the facility.

"Are you the one who called?", asked a gentleman dressed up in a military uniform.

Lenore of course nodded, and she looked at Dr.Wu as the gentleman approached him.

"Are you responsible for this creature?", of course he would ask this.

"I am.", replied Dr.Wu as he stood before the military general.

The general frowned as he took a hold of Dr.Wu's arm, his voice very stern and serious. "Come with me."

Dr.Wu expected as much which was why he was somewhat against telling the military in the first place, but even they were better than Hagan. That man would of sold her to anybody, and was going to force him into making more. But wouldn't the military do the same thing.

Whatever the case, he didn't have any regrets about this. The military was more equipped in handling his creation, and he probably should of went to them in the first place.

In truth he wanted the money, and right now he doubted that he would be getting anything out of this. His career was practically over at this point.

"Very well.", spoke Dr.Wu as he looked at Lenore with a professional smile. "Take care Ms. Lenore."

After saying those words was he pulled by the general, as he looked around curiously. The many lights, and the sound of choppers made this seem like something out of a movie. This sight was something that he was use too.

The general forced him into a chopper which slowly landed to pick them up. Afterwards did the chopper went up into the night sky. Dr.Wu of course glanced out the window and he could see Lenore standing there as she watched the many vehicles leave.

"Dr.Wu, I want you to be honest with me.", spoke the general as he sat before the scientist.

Dr.Wu looked at him professionally, "Depends on what you want to know?"

The general looked at him, the both of their eyes were focused. "Can you make more of those things?"

Dr.Wu smirked with his eyes closed, he called it right away. "I can, but I will not be making another one if that is what you are asking."

"What if we pay you?", spoke the general with a smile of his own.

Dr.Wu looked at him as his smirk slowly left his face. "This creature is probably the most dangerous thing that I have ever made. To make another one is practically suicide. Money or not, I won't make another one."

The general frowned at his response, his eyes narrowed. "Looks like you don't have much choice? Cause you are not going anywhere."

Dr.Wu frowned at him, as the chopper takes them to god knows where.

Here is chapter six! Hope you all like it! Thank you for reading and showing so much support! ;~; It means a lot!

ThatAGurlBluecreators' thoughts
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