
Chapter 21

After deciding to talk to the Quilt tribe. Alex pulled Edythe to eat breakfast with them and to this time Hope also come to join them.

Alex said:" Girls, I have something I want to ask you about."

Hope:" Yeah, I also noticed you want to ask us something for some days."

Alex:" The thing is I got a call from my Secretary and she wants me to go to New York and take care of some important decisions for our launch of new products and have to attend the meetings with our partners."

Edythe:" So you want us to come with you right?."

Alex:" Yeah and I also have to do a consort there."

Hope:" Ok!!, we are ready to come with you on one condition."

Alex:" And what would be your condition."

Hope:" We want you to accompany us shopping and you won't complain about it."

Alex:" Ok, so start packing and Edythe, if you don't want to go to your house for packing you can just take some of Hope's clothes or we can go shopping to buy you new clothes."

Hope:" Yeah, that's a great idea."

Edythe:" No I am fine, they are still my family and no matter what happened I still love them."

Alex smiled and hugged her while saying: "it's ok if you want to do this, but if something happens don't hesitate to tell me."

Edythe smiled and left Alex and Hope's house and run towards Cullen's house.

Cullen House.

Edythe arrived at Cullen house and went into her room. when everyone saw her arriving at home but not talking to anyone. They all looked towards each other wanting someone to go inside and talk to her.

Then Alice come forward and enter Edythe's room and saw that she was packing her bag and so she Asked Edythe in her usual excited voice:" Edythe where are you going."

Edythe:" Oh, I am going to New York with Alex and Hope for his concert and sightseeing."

Alice:" So, your relationship advanced this far huh."

Edythe blushed and didn't say anything in return. Alice teased her for a while about how many girls love Alex and Edythe being angry about this.

Edythe pick up her bag and come outside of her room and saw everyone looking at her with a happy smile while Carlisle have a complicated look on his face. he was ashamed of his behaviour earlier.

He said:" I am sorry Edythe I should not behave with you like that and should not leave you alone in this situation."

Edythe:" It's ok, I can understand your worries about family."

Carlisle smiled and said:" Thank you and enjoy your trip."

Edythe smiled and went to Alex's house where he and Hope were still talking about something and Edythe also joined them and Alex told her about the launch of their new cars and cosmetics they are going to launch.

After a while, they went to school and nothing new happened just the usual lesson and Bella's talking with Edward about how can Alex be connected to her uncle and aunt.

After school Alex, Hope and Edythe drove towards the airport to get Alex's private jet and fly to New York.

All of them sit in the jet and fly to New York. when their plane landed at the airport, Alex's secretary was already there to receive them.

She explained to Alex his schedule which did not have any time to rest because he has meetings with many business partners and also has to check the quality and quantity of products for launch.

On the side, Hope and Edythe were shocked after knowing how much work he has to do to make time for them.

Alex told them to rest and wait for him at his mansion. while he left with his Secretary to finish all of his scheduled meetings.

Both Hope and Edythe arrived at his home in New York and was shocked to see the size of it. when they entered the house they heard the voice of a lady.

Oracle:" Hello ma'am, welcome home."

Both of them are startled and start to search around but find nothing then again a voice comes.

Oracle: Ma'am, I am Oracle A.I. created by sir Alex to assist him with any task."

Hope and Edythe nodded and started to talk with Oracle and asked about Alex's previous life to which Oracle answered them honestly.

Soon night came and Alex entered the house with a guilty expression because he can't accompany girls on their first day in New York.

He entered the darkroom and he was confused as to where both Hope and Edythe go.

When he entered the room a shadow appeared behind him and he saw Edythe was standing at the door wearing a sexy see-through nightgown.


Thanks for watching and sorry for the late chapter.

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