
Chapter 20

"I wish I'd met you sooner."

"Me too."

Kai stood beside me, smiling at me with his arm around my shoulder. I can feel a gentle breeze and a gentle gaze on me.

We're watching the sunset together.

I feel so content inside. I feel warm and fuzzy inside. The scenery seems brighter than it did then. All I want to do is to be here with Kai. Just like this.


"Hmm, Marc." He was still admiring the view. I was as well, but my view was different. He finally looked at me. I feel another feeling bubbling inside me. Is it... anticipation?

"... what? What's with the intense staring?" He teased, smiling at me. This agitated me. That smile.

I feel happy, scared, nervous and excited all at the same time. I feel at peace yet restless at the same time.

We kept eye contact for a few seconds. Could be even a minute.

I can't think. I don't have time to rationalise my actions. I can't understand why I feel this way. Kai...

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