As soon as we finished our meal of antelope jerky, beans, and tubers, I asked Otter to go inform Cut of Splitlip’s fate. Carlos connived to accompany the boy to the village, but his senior held him close.
The two Jaquez—man and boy—remained overnight, sleeping in our western fronting room. I rejected Lone Eagle for the first time that night, fearing noise of our lovemaking would inflame young Carlos and send him rushing into the darkness in search of Otter. Our friend had opted to desert us and sleep in the bachelors’ tipi in the village that night.
Cut Hand made his appearance before the wagon departed the Mead to hear of Split’s death for himself. We both stood in the grip of sadness as the Jaquez men clattered off to the west on the way to Fort Yanube. Otter did not show up until the wagon was well out of sight.
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