
Chapter 7

Adam watched the visions or memories of Number One's childhood and the attack on Lorien. Adam could feel every emotion number one felt as he watched her parents death, somehow tears flowed down his cheeks also he couldn't help but envy her for having such loving parents and later he saw memories of her time her Cepan Hilde, Adam could feel one's feeling for Hilde as a mother figure. Adam frowned and thought about his family sure his mother was gentle but she did not show unconditional love like One's parents or even the level of care her Cepan did.

Even his mother who is considered gentle is also a stone-cold killer inside, intent on the death of the Garde like the other Mogadorians. While he was in his thoughts he suddenly saw a figure come out as Adam quickly got into a defensive stance as he questioned"Who are you? and where am I?" Alex smiled and replied"Well this your mind and you are in a coma. Adam hearing that was confused and asked, "Then how are you inside my mind?"

Alex once again smiled hearing his question as he said"Well you can call me Lux and you see I have heard your thoughts just before the Mogadorian killed both number one and her Cepan, you sympathized with them at that time as well as you found the Mogadorians attacking an old woman and teenage girl to be repulsive."

Adam was cautious as he hear about the fact this person was able to hear his thoughts as he asked"Are you are Loric?"

Alex laughed hearing that and replied, "No, I am not a Loric."Adam didn't know why but his instincts were telling him what this person was saying is true as he said"Then what are you? and are you the one showing these memories?"

Alex nodded and replied, "Well you could say I am a friend who wants to reveal the truth about the Mogadorian invasion on Loric and about your beloved leader Setrakus Ra."Adam didn't know why but he had a bad feeling that whatever he learned will change everything as Adam questioned"What truth about Setrakus Ra?"

Alex smiled and explained, "Have you ever thought why your homeworld suddenly was dying and also your female population was having a hard time producing children. Think about it Mogadorians were considered to be one of the three smartest beings on the planet so the fact the none of them even noticed any kind of signs of this happening also matches the dates of this with the arrival of your messiah Setraksus ra."

Adam felt a chill down his spine as he muttered"You don't mean our leader was responsible for everything."Alex jumped yelled"Bingo."

Adam wanted to deny everything this person said but couldn't as he matched the dates and it perfectly fit as he questioned"How did you know about this.?" Alex went and explained, "I can see the past and as well as future."Adam was surprised hearing this person was able to see the past as well as future as Alex showed him the past of how Setrakus Ra appeared on their planet Mogadore and started to make sure speed up the destruction of their planet by building by polluting their rivers and making sure to kill anyone who brought up their planet's condition until thing became really desperate did this fake leader came and acted as their messiah. Adam clenched his fist in anger at the fact his people were brainwashed by Setrakus Ra.

Alex sighed and said"The interesting thing is Lorien and Mogadore had a friendly relationship before your so called Beloved leader came into the picture.Also, some of your scientists seeing the planet state had contacted Lorien for help, after all, Lorien had gone through this problem themselves before. But every one of these people was killed by Setrakus Ra before they could warn someone of the problems Mogadore was facing."

Adam started cursing Setrakus Ra as he calmed down he muttered"I have to tell the others about this."

Alex shook his head and said"It won't work almost 90% of the Mogadorians are brainwashed to follow Setrakus Ra because of his great book, Also I doubt you would be able to get your father to follow you.But your mother and sister have a chance."

Adam thought for while and found everything this person said is true as he frowned and asked"Why are telling me all this?"Ales grinned and answered"Well to defeat Setrakus Ra you need allies and the only ones who have the power to go again him are the Garde."

Adam was not sure about this as like this person here said Garde are the only ones who are strong enough to go against him,but the problem is will they ally with a Mogadorian.Alex knew he was slowly getting Adam to their side as he said"I know you feel the Garde won't accept a Mogadrian as their ally.But don't worry about that particular part"

Adam nodded then questioned, "What about my family?"Alex sighed and answered, "Your sister and mother will believe you, but your father is too far gone as he even killed your maternal grandfather for Setrakus Ra."

Admon was shocked and asked, "what do you mean he killed my grandparents?"Alex snapped his fingers as both Kelly and Sunnah Suketh appeared as both saw Adam they ran checked him.

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