
Chapter 117

“One thing we’re not doing,” I told him in no uncertain terms, “is putting a bunch of names in a hat and drawing one.”

Geoff and Mindy had done that, and wound up tossing aside a lot of names they hated before they came up with one they could both agree on. After Blake, they decided it would be easiest to go with her British grandfather’s middle name, Oliver.

Finally, though, the day that started our vacation arrived.


“Yes, Hyde?”

“Are the girls ready?”

“Beth! Della! Harper! Daddy wants to know if you’re ready.” We’d named our daughters after our mothers, because that only made sense, and Harper Lee, because we were both big fans of To Kill a Mockingbird

“We are!” Our girls came thundering down the staircase. I had to grin and shake my head. How could three such little girls make so much noise?

“All right, everyone kiss Gramps goodbye and get into the car. And remember, we don’t leave until we’re all buckled up.”

“Yes, Papa.”

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