
Chapter 2

Ken lowered his head as though inspecting the sidewalk. “I can’t afford a cell phone, so we should plan now where to meet and what time.”

Joel let out a huge smile.

Ken’s stomach rocked as though a happy depth charge went off. “I work the restaurant in the morning and get off at noon. I can make sandwiches for us.”

“No, don’t get yourself in trouble.” Joel bit his lip again.

“The boss lets me take leftover food and make sandwiches. He knows I’m struggling financially. Sometimes he pays me for more hours than I work.” Ken shook his head. “Sorry, I’m giving you a sob story. I normally keep everything private. Sorry.” He chastised himself for saying sorry so much

Joel dropped a hand to his shoulder. “Sounds like we’re in the same boat. I’ve lived on the streets.”

The personal contact sent a zing of energy through Ken. His cock filled, making him happy.

Silence passed between them until Ken ventured, “I’m close to that. Well, hey.” His voice perked up. “How about twelve-thirty tomorrow, right here?”

“Thanks. See you tomorrow.” Joel biked off, giving a friendly, almost too long, pat to Ken’s arm.

Ken watched Joel’s petite and tight ass, wishing it were already Saturday and wondering what it would be like to be with a guy sexually. 2

The next day, Joel arrived early at the meeting spot, leaned his bike against a pole, and wandered between the dozens of shiny used cars, dreaming of any of them being his. A breeze stirred the array of colorful banners, and the sun warmed without burning. He kept checking down the boulevard, hoping Ken didn’t forget or decide against their ride. Right on time, Ken peddled up wearing a yellow and black backpack that gave the semblance of a bumblebee.

Joel grinned. “Hey, nice backpack.”

Ken’s smile flattened.

“I’m serious. I wasn’t being sarcastic. Yellow is my favorite color.” He squeezed Ken’s arm. He wasn’t going to confess pink was really his favored color.

Ken’s grin returned. “Sorry. I grew up around mean sarcasm.” He tilted his head toward his pack. “I have sandwiches, soda, and some chocolate cake. My boss is so cool.”

“He sounds neat, like Dio, the guy I live with. He’s an angel who goes around helping others.”

Ken lifted an eyebrow. “Let’s get going.”

“Which way?”

“To Stevens Creek Reservoir. A very cool and peaceful place in the foothills. It’s far from the city and is like a different world.”

They pedaled west along Steven’s Creek Boulevard, a wide business road. When traffic allowed, they rode side-by-side, making frequent eye contact.

Ken queried, “So tell me about Dio.”

Joel smiled at the mention of Dio’s name. “I’ve had some rough times. Dio saved me. My parents used me for a punching bag, mentally and physically.”

Traffic made them drop to single file. Joel kept checking to be sure Ken stayed behind him. He hoped he hadn’t scared him off by revealing his history. The road widened, and Ken pulled alongside.

“Okay, go on.”

“Sorry to lay that heavy shit on you about the abuse. Sorry.” Joel chastised himself for saying sorryso much.

“It’s cool. Go on.”

“I left home at sixteen. The beatings and hate got to me. I told a bus agent how much money I had and asked what big city could I get to. He said San Jose, so here I am. I had no money and slept wherever I could: in parks, underpasses, and sometimes ate out of restaurant dumpsters.” He chewed his lower lip again and took a breath. “I began to hang out in a secluded men’s room of a mall. I got up the nerve to offer a guy a blowjob for twenty bucks. I was desperate. He asked how old I was. I said seventeen. He gave me the money in his pocket, ninety-five dollars, but refused the blowjob. It was Dio, and he told me to stop whoring myself.”

Ken blinked and stared. His mouth stood open.

Joel cranked his head at Ken and gave an embarrassed smile.

“Tell me more about Dio.”

“I tried to give the money back, and he wouldn’t take it. I said I’d flush it down the toilet.”

“No, tell me you didn’t!” Ken said.

“No, he said that I was being stupid on top of hungry and homeless. Normally, I’d punch someone who said that, but his eyes seemed to have me hypnotized, and his words were nurturing. They oozed love, or friendship, or something. I froze, too proud to do anything.” A lump formed in Joel’s throat.

They locked eyes. Ken turned his head forward. “Look out!”

A car cut in front of them into a shopping center. Both of them jammed on their brakes, missing a collision by inches. Anger and hate erupted inside Joel. He stood on the pedals pumping hard, following the car into the center.

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