
Chapter 75

Maggie acknowledged her with, “I know you’re working hard to get rehabilitated. Maybe next month will be the turning point.”

The visit over, Maggie walked out of the prison and got into her car. She was concerned about Cameron. She knew that this was not going as quickly as they’d hoped and she could see the toll it was taking on Cameron. Too high a frustration level could be dangerous. Cam had indicated that she might be on to something but Maggie knew that it was not a guarantee. How many months now had the Department thought they were on to something only to have it dead end? She just hoped and prayed that something would happen soon.

Maybe I should talk to Michael, she thought. Another letter at the wrong time could really spell trouble.She shook her head. Maggie was not the type of person to manipulate other’s lives, but this might have to be the exception.

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