
Chapter 27

Western Avenue always seemed so long when she was in a rush, but there were few other cars on the road, so she pushed the pedal a little harder and prayed that a cop car wasn’t hiding behind the Volkswagen dealership.

As she pulled into the Emergency entrance parking lot, a small VW bug blinked its lights from the far corner. She pulled up beside it and got out. Ben was slumped in the passenger seat, George was behind the wheel, and Bob was in the back seat. All three should have known better than to experiment with all the drugs that were running around campus. George glanced back at Bob as he reached across to roll down the window. Cam caught the odor of stale beer. Both boys’ eyes were wide with fear or worry, she couldn’t tell which.

“Drive him over to the Emergency Room door. I’ll park my car and go in with him.”

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