
Chapter 62

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Most people had a thing against Mondays. Their weekend was over, they were battling hangovers, and a good number of them had to show up at jobs they loathed, so when Monday shit on them, they weren’t surprised.

Me, now? I kept my alcohol intake under control, I liked my job, and the only time I’d had a quarrel with Monday was when I had to go up to Fall River for my old lady’sfuneral.

Wednesdays, on the other hand were sneaky, middle-of-the-week bastards. You didn’t expect your car to breakdown on a Wednesday, or your fridge to be empty, or the last shirt in your closet to have a grease stain on it that had defeated the cleaners.

Another Wednesday had rolled around, and here I was, chained to this goddamned desk, while agents were out in the field having the time of their lives.

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