
Chapter 44

“No, he’s smarter. Well, he’s still alive. He’s one of Stanley’s—”


“Director of Foreign Affairs.”


“Lost his leg in that cluster fuck with Sperling. Excuse me, Syd.”

“I’ve heard worse, David.” She smiled at him again, and he blushed.

Hmm. However, now wasn’t the time to ponder their interaction.

DB smoothed his tie. “The interesting thing about Travers is that he also did the odd job for Sperling.”

So he would know that was Sperling’s body. “In that case, it’s not surprising he’s concerned about Vincent. Are you sure this message is from Travers?”

“Yeah.” He shrugged and put the plastic-wrapped message back on my desk. “Well, as sure as I can be without having been in the same room with him as he wrote this.”

“Let’s see if we can pull any prints from it.” I pushed it toward Syd, and she roseand picked it up.

“I’m on top of it.”

DB murmured something to her, but Janet buzzed me on my intercom at the same time, andI didn’t catch it.

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