
Say Hello To My Good Friend Rukelion Blaze

"My country was unjustly invaded and destroyed by the king of Mirea. I do not wish to see the same thing happen to anyone else, which is the primary reason I offered to help you in the first place. 

"As you are already aware, I only joined the military to take it down from the inside. The citizens of Mirea shouldn't have to suffer because of an inadequate, selfish ruler. A king's duty is to his people. I may have been too young so I failed mine but I won't fail them," Rukelion said firmly. 

Arete's eyes widened. "You…you're from Katalya!" 

"I suppose word gets around. I didn't realize it had gotten quite as far as Zel but, yes, I'm from Katalya." 

Kové scrutinized him. "You said a king's duty is to his people and you failed yours. You're a member of the royal family, aren't you? I had heard they were all fire mages. That would explain why you are so strong but not how the king of Mirea was able to crush your country so easily." 

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