
Chapter 51

The trap was sprung. The knife from Roose Bolton piercing Ned Stark's flesh. The look of shock on the Lord Hand visible to all. Roose was smirking at him. The victory so assured in his cruel eyes at slaying the Hand of the King and the Warden of the North. All around them, loyal bannermen of House Stark were being attacked. Too drunk or weakened from poison in their drinks to stop the onslaught of arrows, daggers, and swords coming down on them. Walder Frey laughing from his seat at the table.

Robb Stark had been struck several times with arrows to the chest, falling to the ground soon after with a look of shock matching his Father. Sansa and Arya dragged away by laughing Frey and Bolton men. There intentions clear for what they planned. They would violate the two over and over again, maybe even let them live long enough to produce bastard children, if only to keep as lowly servants.

As for Aegon, he was standing in the center of the room watching this vision of horror and butchery that was unfolding through the Force, untouched by the chaos. All the while looking around, and even saw himself fighting off the violators of Guest Rights during a wedding of all things.

But what surprised Aegon walking through the chaos of this potential future were several other conspirators in on this plot were also in the room.

One being a smirking Theon Greyjoy. The second...Catelyn Tully Stark.

Though the latter was clearly shocked that her two daughters and eldest son were being ambushed in this scheme to take down the King and those with him. She was now being restrained and clearly against that part of the plan or wasn't expecting them to stay long enough to suffer for it. A secret decision no doubt made by all the other conspirators to clearly keep the Tully woman in the dark so she wouldn't reveal said plot to her husband in order to save the children during this massacre.

Aegon saw Catelyn being roughly dragged away by some Frey men (several of Walder's sons) with a sharp dagger to her neck. All the while screaming about how they promised to leave her children out of it. Walder Frey laughing about how he didn't have to keep promises to dead or dumb fish anymore and was going to enjoy his new wolf pet.

The old man's laugher dying when Aegon's sword flew through the air and pierced the old man in the heart, screaming in pain and rage before death claimed him. The room soon being blasted apart on all fronts by Aegon's rage and power. Sith Lightning soon filled the room, killing Bolton and Frey men alike while they screamed out at the sudden unimaginable pain. Roose Bolton himself was now a charred corpse barely recognizable due to the amount of Sith Lightning surging through his body when hit. The chainmail and armor he wore did nothing to stop the lightning when it hit his body.

A roar of three dragons filling the night air, his Aunt on one of them though she was not without blood on her body, having been attacked during the betrayal. Fire was shooting down at the castle, burning everything and everyone in sight. Theon Greyjoy had tried to escape after seeing his conspirators dying, but was burned alive by the fire. When only smoke remained and the dawn slowly rose in the sky, only Aegon, his Aunt, Sansa, Arya, Ser Jorah, and Jon Connington had survived it all. Many of his House bannermen and those of House Stark had been massacred during this trap while those traitors who had betrayed them all had been slaughtered down to the last fool among them.

Lady Stark had been buried alive in some rubble when taken away and crushed to death as a result, but Aegon cared not for her anymore due to the actions she took against him. She had clearly thought to get some measure of revenge on the King for the loss of her Father, sister, and the fact her brother Edmure was now at Castle Black as a member of the Night's Watch.

"We lost much from this your Grace."

"Aye, we did Lord Connington. I'm sending Vaderon and Revanchist to the Dreadfort. I'm going to ensure House Bolton doesn't return from this. They should have been put down ages ago. Now I am going to do what my ancestor didn't have the spine to do when they told him to destroy the bane of the North."

The vision soon changes to the North. The Dreadfort burning and dragons roaring. The Unsullied were there to kill the remaining Bolton men running for their lives out of the burning castle itself. Ramsey Snow was one such person, badly burned, and running for his miserable life. Only to stumble and fall at the feet of Aegon Targaryen. No words were exchanged. No witty remarks made between them. Just an angry snarl from the one on the ground and the silent contempt from the other hidden behind a terrifying mask.

A blast of Sith Lightning was all Ramsey saw or felt before screaming for a few minutes with his life soon ending.


With the vision over, Aegon opened his eyes to see everyone looking at him since they had known at this point to let him use his power to see things.

"I know who the conspirators are in this plot. Sadly, there are more involved then you know, and one of them is very close to home for you Uncle," said Aegon with Ned now looking surprised by this.

"What? Who?" asked Ned before Aegon sighed.

"Your wife for one. And Theon Greyjoy another," replied Aegon before telling them all what he saw in great detail.

"No. No! I do not want to believe she would do this. Not Cat. Not my wife! I don't care what your powers showed you. It was not her!" protested Ned while rising from his seat and drinking some wine.

Not that anyone would blame him for doing it. Most of the people in the room felt like it at this point. Even Stannis.

"But it was her Uncle. She wanted revenge for the loss of her family. For her Father and sister I killed. For her brother being sent to the Wall with Lord Connington and Ser Jorah Mormont escorting him there. Those two came back just in time for the wedding between Roose Bolton and Walda Frey. They were protecting my Aunt when things happened and it was because of them she lived to get on one of the three dragons to strike back against them. Your wife had been assured by Walder Frey that her children would not be harmed when the trap was sprung, only to be betrayed herself by Walder, who laughed while two of his bastard sons took her away at knife point. Robb was struck down by arrows. Sansa and Arya were being dragged away by Bolton and Frey men for nefarious reasons. As for Theon, it was revenge against my Aunt for burning the Iron Fleet, and killing so many of the Iron Born in the process. He thought he could make his Father proud of him if the dragon was killed through his supposed cunning," explained Aegon with Ned punching the table in front of him, the power behind it shaking it immensely.

"Surely this future is not written your Grace. It can be stopped, correct?" asked Mace with Aegon nodding to the relief of the others in the room.

"If there is one thing I know Lord Tyrell, it is the future is always in motion. What I saw was a possible future, but the most likely one if events leading up to it remain unaltered," said Aegon calmly though his eyes were burning with a great deal of intensity.

"How do you wish to proceed your Grace?" asked Tyrion curiously while Aegon didn't speak for a moment.

"Uncle, I leave you to deal with your wife. My Aunt will deal with Theon Greyjoy. As for House Bolton and House Frey, it is time they learned what it means to cross an angry dragon that can stalk its prey like a dire wolf on a hunt," said Aegon since the only thing those Houses understood was power and those with the Will to use it.

And Aegon had every intention of showing these two Houses what true power could do in the hands of someone like himself.

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